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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 14, 2002
Southern Cali, beachside
I got the GarageBand Jam Pack. Where is this $150,000 bosendorfer grand piano?

All I see is "Grand Piano", "Live Grand Piano", Classical Piano", "Live Classical Piano", and "Moody Piano". I suppose Grand Piano is the $50,000 yamaha from the regular GarageBand. Where is the Bosendorfer from the Jam Pack? Does it replace the Grand Piano? It sounds the same to me.

Don't get me wrong.. it sounds pretty good! Just want to make sure...
The Bösendorfer Grand is the Classical Piano and Live Classical Piano presets. They sound much better than the Yamaha samples because they consist of longer multisamples, are recorded in much better acoustic surroundings and they're not recorded with a gain too high, as opposed to the Yamaha samples. Just try high velocity notes in the range between A1 (440 hz) and A2 (880hz) with the original Grand Piano. Then you can hear cracking on some of the notes....
The bosendorfer is the classical piano??? But that one sounds so muted or something weird.

Also, how do you know this one is the bosendorfer? Where's the documentation that specifies this?

I'll have to play with that classical piano setting a bit more, I guess....
I know it is the Bösendorfer because I'm playing on one everyday ;) It's actually a pretty good sample, allthough in the mid frequencies there could've been more samples to make it sound even better. And Bösendorfer grands usually have a "muted" sound to them. They're not sharp and metallic like the Schimmel and Yamaha grands. That's why it's called "Classical Piano", because classical pianists often want a soft sounding piano like that, in order to get the most expressivity.

Just take a look inside Library/Application Support/GarageBand/Instrument Library/Sampler/Sampler Files/Classical Piano/ and check out those AIFF files to get your proof.
Where do you go to play on a bosendorfer every day? I've always wanted to play on one!!

Anyway... here's a piano track I recorded. It's not a song... I was just fooling around with it.

I exported it as the Yamaha and as the Bosendorfer. Which do you think sounds better?


The Bösendorfer samples are very very good in both bass and treble, but the middle notes need to be resampled, or they need more samples to fill the register more properly. It's sad, because the middle register is the most common one.

Regarding the Bösendorfer, I'm a student at the conservatory of music in Trondheim and have access to several Steinway and Bösendorfer grand pianos. I'm in a very privileged situation ;)
Originally posted by Zenith
... Regarding the Bösendorfer, I'm a student at the conservatory of music in Trondheim and have access to several Steinway and Bösendorfer grand pianos. I'm in a very privileged situation ;)

And a G5? Very privileged indeed. :)
I figured you might be a student! Hmm... I'm in Los Angeles... I should go find a school somewhere where I can step foot into and go find a Böséndörfêr to play on
I haven't heard the Bösendorfer sounds in GarageBand but having played one years ago, I can say that it has a rounder, almost softer sound. It's as though it's a very relaxed instrument.

I still prefer Yamaha to anything else but having a Bösendorfer would probably put me in a better mood, especially if I had an income that coincided with the lifestyle. :D
Originally posted by solrac
if you haven't heard the bosendorfer in garageBand, just click on my links above, to the MP3 samples (in my prev. post)

Neither one sounded all that nice, but that could be my sound system. The Bösendorfer sounded unbalanced and the Yamaha just sounded a bit cheap, muffled. :(
i don't think it can ever sound as good as a real piano, but I do admit.... it sounds 100x better than the actual keyboard's piano sound (Casio 69I-TKC) or something
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