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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 8, 2005
Hello... I'm new to this forum, and I'd first off like to say hi to you guys.
Secondly, I've recently gotten a bit into photography, and enjoy it as a hobby on the side, so I sort of liked this and decided to share it with you guys. :)
Today I was goofing around shooting some stuff, and I just ended up with this photo, which for some reason I was attracted to.
So, just please leave comments! I look forward to becoming better aquainted with this board!
PS I know where it's sitting is sort of not a totally great background. As you can most likely tell, it was just taken on my kitchen counter...:eek:


  • 2b681f47.jpg
    92.7 KB · Views: 393


macrumors 65816
Jan 23, 2006
Nice lighting!, and i agree about the ruggedness. It's good to see ugly food. Not everything grows perfectly like we see in the supermarkets.

Interested in what camera you used?

It's good to be interested in lens based art.
Good luck.



macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Don't worry about the background. It's the stuff BESIDE the garlic I'm worried about. Look to the left of the garlic. Where are those 2 shadows coming from? I don't like the shadow coming from the garlic, either, but this is a great great great shot anyway, since you were just mucking around! ;) Sometimes these spontaneous shots end up being your favourites!

The garlic looks great against that black background. A dark background where you can still tell it's taken in a kitchen seems great. Ss that a bottle of olive oil in the background? If it is, move it up a little so that we can tell that it's a bottle, but keep it looking dark/black like it is now. Hell, make it a wine bottle if you want. Maybe some knives in the very back where you can see their general shape, but not see too much detail because of the dark.


macrumors 65816
Oct 9, 2002
amateurmacfreak said:
I know where it's sitting is sort of not a totally great background. As you can most likely tell, it was just taken on my kitchen counter...:eek:

Great pic. I really like the lighting. :cool:

And don't sweat about the background, that's why God created Photoshop. ;)


  • 2b681f47.jpg
    20.9 KB · Views: 186


macrumors 6502
Jul 4, 2003
in a forest
Agreed. A nice image of one of my favorite subjects.

I too was wondering which thugs were casting their shadows from the left...a pair of surly onions, no doubt.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 8, 2005
fatsoforgotso said:
Interested in what camera you used?
Actually, just a Kodak Easyshate V550 :eek: I'm thinking about making a move on upwards on the camera scale... haha.
And to everybody, thanks so much for the comments! It's great to hear what you all think. :)
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