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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 5, 2024
Hi there,

Yesterday i was completly reinstalling my MacBook from built in recovery, after standard configuration, app installation (App Store and trusted sources) i was installing homebrew from official site ( with cli installer.

GIT was installed from git command typped in terminal on fresh system.

During installation, "veryfing" window for "clang" appears and it was clearly visible only in slow motion video i recorded. It shows in moment when homebrew says "Downloading and installing Homebrew..."

I've never seen this window before during homebrew installation since last 3 years so i start digging about what it comes from, found out that

xcrun clang
triggers it, from homebrew installer contains it, i did another clean reinstall, installed git again from git command, this time without installing anything else (completly fresh macos) and typed it manually, again i got "veryfing" clang window.

Weird thing is that, typing only clang dont triggers this window, only with xcrun

which clang
points to

I've never noticed that anything from Apple was checked by Gatekeeper (i mean the "veryfing" window)

OS - latest sonoma 14.5

Is this normal behaviour?
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