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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 3, 2009
Hey everyone,

I'm currently looking for an application that allows me to add reminders to iCal or GCal. In order to do so on my iPod touch, I need to go to GCal's page in Safari and set up a reminder which can be quite tedious. Is there an app that does is?
I haven't tried it, but I believe [app]Pocket Informant[/app] can sync reminders to Gcal. Best way to find out is to ask at their forums.

Also, if you set up [app]SaiSuke[/app] to sync with the inbuilt calendar, the built in calendar will send you a pop up notification, and then if you set up your iPhone calendar to sync with Gcal via Exchange, and your desktop iCal to sync two ways with Gcal, you can get notifications both from your iPhone and your desktop.

Pocket Informant will very soon be able to sync with the inbuilt iPhone calendar, so it may also be able to do as SaiSuke does now.
Thanks for the input! It looks like PocketInformer is the app I'm looking for!
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