Please provide more details.
Which OS version?
Which Java version?
Which Mac model? Capabilities: RAM, SSD/HD?
Exactly what is your program doing that's slow?
In my experience, there are at least 3 main contributors, and they don't always appear in every program.
1. Startup latency.
2. Computational constraints.
3. GUI: AWT, Swing, or SWT
Startup latency is rarely a significant factor. It takes a lot of jar files, with many many classes all actively being used, before it becomes noticeable. Startup latency can also appear when the RAM is too small for good caching, or a spinning HD is too slow.
Computational constraints can appear for any number of reasons, beyond just doing a gazillion calculations. Poor algorithm choice, thrashing due to GC, etc.
I have several command-line Java tools I wrote that I use every day for my embedded systems work. They are more than fast enough to be launched and run at every build, which is probably at least 100 times in a day. When performance is measured, any slowness is attributed to the file-system, since they operate on files, rather than anything attributable to byte-codes, JITC, startup latency, or computational constraints.
Then there's the GUI. It's always slow on OS X. You can try every trick you can find, and it still won't make a big difference: it will still be sluggish. So if your program is using any GUI at all, or even off-screen graphics, then it's slow for that reason, not because Java is compiled to byte-codes.
Also, make sure that whatever GUI you plan to use with GCJ is performant, and supports what you need:
Finally, what else did you try searching for?
I googled
mac os gcj and came up with this: