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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jun 20, 2005
Hi folks,

Just wanted to post a message that i'm all geeked out right now.
We just ordered a 50" panny to be wall-mounted on Thursday. The electrician is coming today to put an outlet where they will be mounting the tv.

I wanted the 58", but it was literally double the price so opted for the 50". Should work well on the 13' wall. Won't look too big or too small. Will post pics when it's all said and done.

Ordered a new Sony receiver as well so everything will be hdmi connected.
Been ripping and HB'g my DVDs and then it's just to decide on a blu ray player?

I was going to get an upconverting dvd player for rentals or borrowing movies and I thought of just HB'g them, but for new releases, do I really want to wait a few hours just to stream it? Probably not. And if I just rent, why not rent BR and get the best picture and sound?

Then I saw Batman on BR. WOW. And the cost of the BR player isn't that much more than buying an upconverting DVD player.

Seems like i'm convincing myself :)

I am excited to have the ATV connected to a proper TV (right now it's on an old 4:3 TV which doesn't look just right :)

Congrats, Keebler.

Post some pics when you get it all set up. I think BR over upscaling DVD is a wise decision. No reason to invest in old technology.

I screamed at the top of my lungs and did a victory lap around my house when I got my HDTV a couple years ago, so I know how excited you must be. It just gets better and better with each show/movie/sporting event you watch!!!
Congrats on the TV! Sounds nice.

As for the Blu - Ray Player i would really recommend the PS3, having the advantage of a games console + BDP + Internet Browser ( All be it not amazing ) is well worth the money.
Congrats on the TV! Sounds nice.

As for the Blu - Ray Player i would really recommend the PS3, having the advantage of a games console + BDP + Internet Browser ( All be it not amazing ) is well worth the money.
I 2ND that go for a PS3 even if you never game! Also I didnt hear surround sound???
i have the samsung 2550 blu ray player it has the reon video chip in it. makes upconverting look GREAT so just remember that a good blu ray can upconvert as well for older content, also a dedicated blu ray can have analog 7.1 which may intrerst you depending if your sony receiver accepts analog.

however if only using hdmi is what you want well the ps3 is great.
i have the samsung 2550 blu ray player

I have the same Blu-ray player hooked up to my Samsung LN52A850. I am glade that I got it instead of a PS3. Watching Blu-Ray and standard definition movies is so much nicer now. Plus it also streams Pandora and Netflix which is a nice feature if you use either of those services. I streamed a few movies through Netflix expecting the quality to be horrible and was surprised at how good it was.
thanks folks.

I am excited!

AND, I would go for a PS3 in a heartbeat except I have 2 problems:
1. I have 2 kids who don't listen enough to get off the computer for the little time I let them on it so having a gaming system would be more fights (despite setting rules etc..)

but more importantly (and probably the real reason :)

2. I'm 37 and grew up with video games and I work from home.

That adds up to one BAD situation b/c my self-control is horrible when it comes to gaming.

I can foresee:

- the school calling me b/c I forgot to pick my kids up
- the housework not being done (I'm the stay-at-home Dad too)
- supper not being ready and my business failing :)
- etc..etc..etc..

So, I will continue to have the ultimate self-control and not get any gaming system. Heck, I have Madden 08 on my imac and I haven't played since OCTOBER - DOH!


I'm also waiting for my Sony Bravia 40w5500 to arrive! If I already liked the 40w4500 I should be thrilled by this new model, so I understand your feeling.

But I will have a PS3 ehehehe! :D
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