I've searched high and low on the internet to find an RSS feed script that can help me show the new shows that are being aired via the followshows.com website. I've found a bunch, but none of them work the way I would like them to. What I'm looking for is a script that will show the newest entries (shows that I have in my subscription) and a date ahead of each entry.
The closest I have gotten is this code:
Can somebody please help me, I am a complete n00b when it comes to coding...
Best regards,
I've searched high and low on the internet to find an RSS feed script that can help me show the new shows that are being aired via the followshows.com website. I've found a bunch, but none of them work the way I would like them to. What I'm looking for is a script that will show the newest entries (shows that I have in my subscription) and a date ahead of each entry.
The closest I have gotten is this code:
The code does get me a few entries, but they are drowning in gibberish:#!/bin/sh
if [ $# -eq 1 ] ; then
headarg=$(( $1 * 2 ))
curl --silent "$URL" | grep -E '(title>|description>)' | \
sed -n '4,$p' | \
sed -e 's/<title>//' -e 's/<\/title>//' -e 's/<description>/ /' \
-e 's/<\/description>//' | \
sed -e 's/\]\]>//g' |
head $headarg | sed G | fmt
Can somebody please help me, I am a complete n00b when it comes to coding...
Best regards,