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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 20, 2007
I have decided to get a Mac Pro but not a new one for price reasons. If I am able to get a 2009 Mac Pro, would I have any trouble with it playing 1080p video in it using an applicaion like Plex? I have searched here and have read that the GT 120 video card is not powerful at all. I will need it for Aperture, some light photoshop and of course Plex. I don't want the iMac because I need storage and monitor flexibility. Will the GT 120 be enough for this or would I have to upgrade it immediately to something like an ATI 5770?
It should be enough. It's not ideal, but it would not be a frustrating experience.
I upgraded my 2009 mac pro from the GT120 to a 5870, but the GT120 never had a problem viewing HD material.

It had some buffering/flickering when rendering High Def 3D animation, but viewing video was fine.

What kind of cost difference are you seeing between the 2009 and the 2010?

If the difference is significant, then you could use some of the saved money for an upgraded video card (if you decide the GT120 isn't enough).

If they are close in price ($250 will get you a 5770 and $450 will get you a 5870), then it would probably be in your best interest to go ahead and get the 2010. You'd get more upgrade options in the future and at least a 5770.
What kind of cost difference are you seeing between the 2009 and the 2010?

If the difference is significant, then you could use some of the saved money for an upgraded video card (if you decide the GT120 isn't enough).

If they are close in price ($250 will get you a 5770 and $450 will get you a 5870), then it would probably be in your best interest to go ahead and get the 2010. You'd get more upgrade options in the future and at least a 5770.

It's abt a $500 difference. I was thinking I am better off using some of the difference to buy a SSD for the 2009 model.
I'm just worried I'll get stuttering while viewing HD video or something like that.

I haven't seen a Mac unable to play 1080p H.264 since the G4 days. :)

If we're talking about Flash video... I don't think any hardware will get you ready for that. :)
I just got an 09, while there's no hiccups playing hi-res movie files with the GT120...I'll still eventually get a used 5770.
I haven't seen a Mac unable to play 1080p H.264 since the G4 days. :)

If we're talking about Flash video... I don't think any hardware will get you ready for that. :)

Too true, and too sad. It's like Adobe wants the world to leave flash behind.

That said, there was never any good reason for using flash wrappers on H.264 video, because by the time they were able to use H.264, modern OSes and browsers could handle it.

Maybe people with internet explorer had to install quicktime. At least its performance wasn't a total train wreck.
You should be fine but I was forced to upgrade an After Effects user to a ATI 4870 because of the choppy performance. The feedback was that the difference was night and day. I personally do not use AE.
It will work fine for that. Mines running x2 22" monitors ok. It lags in Maya (3D app) so i'm going to upgrade to the 5770 sometime soon.
I wound up buying a 2009 Mac Pro with the GT 120 card. It seems to be working fine with the applications I use. Thanks for all the helpful replies!
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