GTX rumors overblown.....
"Why would you want a card that idles at 100°c and sounds like an Airbus during take-off in your Mac Pro?"
This is a rumor spread by ati-fanboys. True it's a little warmer than ati, but it's also faster and has more features. The discussions are endless as the ati-fanboys like to twist everything, just so they can feel good about the gfx card they bought 6 months prior. Sure, if you own a new ati, there's only a small increase in performance in the GTX, so it's not worth it to dump the ati. But for those shopping for a new card, the GTX is great. And you would want one, especially on a 23 inch Cinama monitor. I've already seen demos where the ati drops to say 10 fps while the GTX is at closer to 19fps due to tesellation ehancements and other DX11 improvements. And I could see the skipping in the ATI. Not that ati is a bad card, but there are at least some advantages to this new GTX 470,480 set.
Temps are closer to 46c and reach about 70-85c in gaming, closer to 75. But again, it is a little warmer than ati. If someone had a poorly ventalated case, and sits in a 85 degree room, the temps could get up to like 93c under full load, which is still ok. But reading random, word of mouth reviews, from people who actually bought the 47x, they keep saying the "heat" issue is WAY over rated. That along with the electric use issue. ati-fan boys were claiming it would cause you to go broke due to the electric. Fact is, an ati system needs about a 550 watt psu. The GTX wants a 600watt, about 50 watts more. Someone playing games 4 hours a day, 365 days a year (having no life), would end up paying an average of maybe $8 more for the entire year. If they can't afford that for a little more speed, they shouldn't be buying a high end graphics card and get a job. My 3.8ghz i7 pc with 650watt psu will likely handle it as I've already read about similar rigs.. Not sure if 4ghz will pull too much power, but I like 3.8 anyway.
As for noise, it's also not a problem unless the fans get above 77%. There are tons of users reporting thier fans usually don't get above 60-65%. Sometimes 70%. But at that point, it's not very loud. But if someone has two or three issues working against them like bad air flow, perhaps doing SLI at the same time, hot hard drives, and it's very hot in their room, then yes, fermi can ramp up and get noisy. But most of the time it's not. Someone with a reasonable case and good ventalation won't have that problem. Is ati cooler? Yes and it will be harder to get it hot, but again the GTX "noise" thing has been blow out of proportion on the net. I really wanted the added features of the new GTX. But I almost ordered an ATI because of all the bad press given to the GTX. That's untril I dug deeper and found out people love to exaggerate things. So I ordered one. I figure if it really sucks, I have a month to return it. I doubt it will.
As for dual idling at 90c, as DesmoPilot mentions, that was an isolated case that happens only when you have dual monitor. They issued a patch for the profiles and they now idle at 45c or so as they should. Man, when rumors fly, they really go far, lol. But I only want ONE GTX 470, and it's an awesome card from what I've seen and heard. I saw a tesselation demo of realistic water and terrain (google it), and the ocean looks like a video of a real ocean instead of a game. It's incredible. Only a few games use that, but it's a nice feature to have. As for it not being available for mac, THAT is just a disadvantage of that platform. They always get everything later, or never and have to "wait" as rassert mentioned. Some claim it's not true and they can do everything etc, but in reality waiting sometimes goes with the territory. That said, I'm no longer worried about the GTX and glad I ordered it. I'll see how it goes.