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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 3, 2016
Hey there,

I got a beauty of a cMP4,1 -> 5,1 with a GeForce GTX 780 inside. I installed High Sierra from scratch and got both screens working. To increase performance and use CUDA I decided to install the NVIDIA Web Drivers.

During the installation there was an error, but I decided to continue the installation. "The Installer has encountered an issue with your system and the NVIDIA Web Driver may not install properly. Click Continue to proceed or click Cancel to abort the installation process."

After a quick reboot I was not able to login, since the screen stayed black. In fact there was a little shade of the login prompt visible, that appeared and disappeared over and over again. I was able to disable the WebDriver by doing a PRAM reset.

After I did some web research, I found out, that some Hackintosh Users seem to have the same problem, their fix is provided by Lila.kext and a specific Nvidia Patch:

Retrying the installation didn't change anything and at this point I see no other options than asking for help. Sorry if I missed something, but I just didn't find any information on the 780 GTX in combination with High Sierra.

Thanks for your help,
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