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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 31, 2008
how can they see that your iphone is jailbreak
beside restore the custom firmware with out installer and cydia?

if they look at the baseband they will see it a wrong modem firmware with 2.X.


if you bought the phone with out activating it through a contract will that effect the warranty thanks
what restore it back to apple firmware. with activation screen still on?
will they know it is jail break with custom firmware without cydia and installer showing?
go get ziphone

run it and click "put in DFU mode"

now shut down ziphone and go to itunes and click "restore"

No. Don't do any of that.

You don't need ZiPhone to put the phone/iPod in DFU mode -- you just need to have two working hands.

ZiPhone is a buggy POS, and its creator ripped off a hell of a lot of code from other parties without credit (or releasing the source, as required by the various licenses.) There is absolutely no reason to use it, save changing the IMEI of your phone.
No. Don't do any of that.

You don't need ZiPhone to put the phone/iPod in DFU mode -- you just need to have two working hands.

ZiPhone is a buggy POS, and its creator ripped off a hell of a lot of code from other parties without credit (or releasing the source, as required by the various licenses.) There is absolutely no reason to use it, save changing the IMEI of your phone.

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