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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 9, 2006
Washington D.C.
The lock button on my iPhone has stopped working because I have dropped it too many times.

I went to the Genius Bar to seek a replacement and they don't have iTunes 8.2 and can't do anything for me, wtf. I know that I am why the iphone is broken, but am I the only one who thinks it is ridiculous that the Apples Store doesn't have a single machine that has the newest software, beta or not?
@ mlemonds The lock button is broke how do you suggest I put the iPhone in DFU mode?

@ dejo Yeah, I just thought it was funny that users have newer software than the Genius Bar. The Guy had to ask three other people what the policy was and he said I would just have to wait. Which is fine at least the phone is still usable.
@ dejo Yeah, I just thought it was funny that users have newer software than the Genius Bar.
Well, those users are supposed to be developers helping Apple beta test their new OS and, as such, they have been warned of the dangers of running the beta software as well as having other avenues of support.
I would definitely either

A) Call Apple.


B) Go back to the Apple Store and cause a ruckus. If you're a developer, they should be catering to your every need.
@dejo Yeah, I suppose I should just contact apple though the iPhone ADC. This being the first time I needed service and the fact that I didn't read the user agreement, I thought going to the Genius Bar was the first step I should take.

But for the Genius Bar not to at least have been told to direct developers to the ADC immediately seems like a small over sight.

Seriously, for the Genius Bar to say sorry you are stuck with a broken phone for the next month or so until 3.0 is officially released is slightly ridiculous.
B) Go back to the Apple Store and cause a ruckus. If you're a developer, they should be catering to your every need.

Why would they be trained and equipped to service a product that isnt even released (not to mention not even FINISHED) yet?

What do you expect them to do when they dont have the tools necessary?
I had exactly the same problem..

Well almost... my home button was faulty so i couldn't get the phone into dfu mode to do a restore. I took the phone to my local apple store and they said that they couldn't replace the phone because they were unable to restore a stock version of 3.0 to prove that it wasn't a software fault..

My advise would be to try another Apple Store.. thats what i did and they replaced the phone! Although they did initially say that they didn't support 3.0 software but i just said .. "so if im a registered iphone developer and i install version 3.0 beta on my phone, does that invalidate my iphone hardware warranty?" the genius said "oh no, of course not sir!" and replaced the phone ;-)

Worked for me anyway .. let me know how you get on.. assuming of course that you are a registered developer - if not id suggest that you wait until 3.0 final is released and then take it back..

Good Luck

Why would they be trained and equipped to service a product that isnt even released (not to mention not even FINISHED) yet?

What do you expect them to do when they dont have the tools necessary?

From what the OP is saying its not the software that's to blame its the hardware. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have the unreleased iPhone hardware so why should there be a problem getting a replacement?
You could understand if it was a software fault and the Genius bar dont support beta but hardware is a totally different ball game.

I'd contact Apple direct and relay your dissapointment with the Genius bar
Well, those users are supposed to be developers helping Apple beta test their new OS and, as such, they have been warned of the dangers of running the beta software as well as having other avenues of support.


It's BETA , why would you expect the Apple store to support it

It's BETA , why would you expect the Apple store to support it

Because as kAoTiX points out the issue is hardware, so running a beta version of software should not void a warranty.

And yes I am a registered developer.

@ RichieCat Thanks for the comment I will try another store with your suggestion.
Because as kAoTiX points out the issue is hardware, so running a beta version of software should not void a warranty.

The lock button on my iPhone has stopped working because I have dropped it too many times.

Oh yeah because your problem is solely software related :rolleyes:

Your problem stems from the fact that you damaged it, it has nothing to do with beta software.

No company ( especially a brick and mortar store) is responsible for supporting Beta software. A perfectly working iPhone always has the option of downgrading to OS 2.2.1, your phone does not fall under this category. You basically screwed yourself.

I do find it strange that they don't just give you a replacement phone ( since you are under warranty)
I can't believe the responses to this thread. Basically bashing the OP for accidently dropping his iPhone and inadvertently damaging, like he drops his phone when he's bored or something?

Why would the software on his phone hold any bearing as to the warranty in place for his iPhone if the issue at hand is hardware related. Would they say that they wont repair it if he was running the very first version of the iPhone OS because it's too old even though something on the phone itself is damaged?

I still suggest either go to apple direct or as someone else noted, go to another genius bar.

It doesn't matter whether the Genius Bar has iTunes 8.2 or not (which, as has been said, is unsupported, unreleased and as they're commonly not developers, most Geniuses wouldn't have access to it anyway).


OP wrote:
The lock button on my iPhone has stopped working because I have dropped it too many times
That's why your warranty is void.
I can't believe the responses to this thread. Basically bashing the OP for accidently dropping his iPhone and inadvertently damaging, like he drops his phone when he's bored or something?

Why would the software on his phone hold any bearing as to the warranty in place for his iPhone if the issue at hand is hardware related. Would they say that they wont repair it if he was running the very first version of the iPhone OS because it's too old even though something on the phone itself is damaged?

I still suggest either go to apple direct or as someone else noted, go to another genius bar.

So under your brilliant logic ....

I accidentally crashed my car, therefore my warranty should cover it ?
So under your brilliant logic ....

I accidentally crashed my car, therefore my warranty should cover it ?

This isn't a car. it doesn't cost thousands of pounds and is in no way related. Your smart ass logic is flawed by trying to compare 2 totally different things.

We're talking about something that has happened to other people and who have no doubt got their handsets replaced without any questions but its the fact that the genius said that the software isn't supported by them that they can't do anything about it.

It's not like if your cars wheels fell off and you had a newer ECU the car manufacturer wouldn't replace the car or wheels because the ECU was a version that was currently unsupported by the outlet that you went to? I can definately see this happening based on the genius bars answer to the OP. :rolleyes:
Warranty is not insurance. Warranty covers manufacturer faults, insurance covers accidental damage.

umm i was being sarcastic ( sorry if that wasn't apparent.... in other words I agree with you )

This isn't a car. it doesn't cost thousands of pounds and is in no way related. Your smart ass logic is flawed by trying to compare 2 totally different things.

We're talking about something that has happened to other people and who have no doubt got their handsets replaced without any questions but its the fact that the genius said that the software isn't supported by them that they can't do anything about it.

It's not like if your cars wheels fell off and you had a newer ECU the car manufacturer wouldn't replace the car or wheels because the ECU was a version that was currently unsupported by the outlet that you went to? I can definately see this happening based on the genius bars answer to the OP. :rolleyes:

wow... really.... that's your argument :confused:

I don't normally say this, but it's not even worth my time to explain to you how awful your argument is

Any other member care to explain it to him ( I don't want to get banned for flamming )
umm i was being sarcastic ( sorry if that wasn't apparent.... in other words I agree with you )

wow... really.... that's your argument :confused:

I don't normally say this, but it's not even worth my time to explain to you how awful your argument is

Any other member care to explain it to him ( I don't want to get banned for flamming )

You cant be bothered to argue that other people get their iPhones repaired by the genius bar for damage caused by them yet this guy cant because he has beta software.
I know insurance isn't the same as a warranty im not contesting that i'm saying people have things repaired on their iPhones you wouldnt deem as a fault. This has happened to people I know where by what ever reason they have damaged their phone and the genius bar has replaced it no questions asked.
or downgrade to 2.2.1

in order to make that work you'd have to jailbreak it..... not sure you'd want that walking into an apple store and asking them to fix it.

I've had software problems that eventually worked themselves out, and when i went to an apple store they said they can't touch anything running 3.0 until its public, even if the hardware is under warrantee.
OP, why would you even bring an iPhone in to get replaced knowing that it's your fault that the lock button is broken? Why should Apple have to pay for something that you did?
I was a genius for a couple years and here's why the did not have the latest itunes. every machine in the store is imaged from a HD sent from corporate and are locked out of making changes. They instructed us to NOT update the machines until they send the new image. Maybe because they are smart enough to wait and see what the feedback is from customers that jump on the latest and "greatest" versions of everything. So stop the bitching and complaining towards them. It is out of their control!

Now, does anyone have anymore complaints about the genius bar? if so, i will gladly answer them.

thank you
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