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Tom G.

macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jun 16, 2009
Champaign/Urbana Illinois
I spent part of this afternoon using my 3G iPad doing some Geocaching. I wanted to see how good the GPS in the unit is. The test was very satisfactory indeed. I would rate it's accuracy as good as any standard GPS that I've used and better than my iPhone 3GS.

I found that with my iPhone I could get within approximately 10-15' but the iPad would get within the normal 3' radius.

I found a couple of caches that I didn't find with the iPhone. I do not want to give the impression that the iPhone will lead you directly to the cache, it won't. It will, however, get you as close as any mid priced dedicated GPS unit will.

It is a little clunky carrying something this large into the woods, but it really comes into it's own with the much larger map on the screen than any hand held GPS unit.

Groundspeak, the app developer, does need to address the problem of making their app iPad friendly. At 2X the map is not as useful as it could be if the app used the screen as a dedicated iPad app. The app also needs to be freed to work in the landscape mode. These were both problems that I easily worked around.

I'm now sitting in my easy chair writing this thread -- ain't life grand? :D
it will be interesting to see a geocacher walking through the woods holding an iPad
I would love a geo caching app, and then I can get rid of my garmin Oregon 400t...
When I found the Geocaching app for my iphone 3Gs, I was amazed. Wow, so helpful, no longer have to print out so much paper, can look at recent logs on the spot. How many times have we looked for a cache and not found it, to later see that the last 5 people havent found it either. Now we know that on the spot.

I didnt find that the Iphone was not of much use to acutally finding the actual cache, for that i have relied on my Garmin Map76. It is great.

When Geocaching, what I have found that getting to the area of a cache is almost as challenging as finding the actualy cache, specially if you are not familiar with the area. The Iphone app is great for getting you close to the cache in the car, and not driving around in circles. Also, you can see where caches are in relation to each other with the map view.

So now for the Ipad. I pictured my uses of my Ipad as pretty much in the house. Not out in the wood, or even in the car. So i bought a WiFi only model. I have 1 dead pixel, so it will be going back, kinda rethinking things, but I dont need or want the 3G part, I can tether to my JB Iphone or use my Verizon Wifi hot spot for internet. I would just be getting the 3G for the GPS, and I just cant seem to make sense of spending the money for that.

Decisions Decisions ..........................
So, geocaching is just a hobby? Don't know anything about it, but looking for fun ways to use my new iPad 3G.
I recommend the Geocaching App by Groundspeak. You can find it in the Appstore of course. It is an iPhone app but will work on the iPad in the 1X $ 2X modes. As I stated above this is not perfect but does do ok.

By the way Groundspeak lists over 1,055,000 geocaches hidden in the world, so there is most likely several near you.
So, geocaching is just a hobby? Don't know anything about it, but looking for fun ways to use my new iPad 3G.

Create an account at, download the Geocaching app and let the hunt begin. It's a really fun hobby and a great way to get out and enjoy nature. People get pretty creative with their hides which makes for an interesting treasure hunt.
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