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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 30, 2003
Greater Cincinnati
I am finding it quite frustrating trying to find a way to connect with a software programmer for Mac OS X. I have some software that I want to get developed. I have even tried learning how but quickly realized it would be more work then I need right now to do. I have tried searching the web for some sort of community or pool to fish through and find someone, but i can't seem to get anywhere.

Anyone out there know where I can go? Maybe you yourself if a Mac OS X programmer and would be interested in possibly taking on a project.

Please reply
what do you want to have developed? I'm quite new to the Mac platform, but I can program in Java and I'm trying to learn Cocoa (which luckly you can use with Java, but I'd like to learn Obj-C) in my spare time while doing a Masters in Internet and Distributed Systems.
well... the app would be a presentation interface primarily designed for churches. It would incorporate other apps (ie. Quicktime, Keynote, Safari, etc) in the interface. Basically, utilizing the dual-screen ability and creating a point and click system presentations.

if that makes sense (it's the quick version).
send me an email with further details and i'll see what i can do. I'll take a look into how to do it anyway, and If I know how to do it. I'm not sure how you want to integrate these components, but I know how to integrate web browsing into a cocoa app using webcore and quicktime can be done pretty easily too I think. Not sure about keynote, but the spec for creating keynote document is open, but as far as i know, you need to run keynote seperatly to play the keynote files.

walkingmac said:
Anyone out there know where I can go? Maybe you yourself if a Mac OS X programmer and would be interested in possibly taking on a project.

Maybe this should be a regular feature, or a specialized forum here?

I'm a developer, and have been keeping an ear to the ground for interesting projects to get involved in.
I have an area for just that in my (just starting) web site regarding Mac coding. The community is currently terribly small but I don't know how many people read it and haven't registered. Plus, can't hurt to post it in more than one place. Also on the front page there are links to many other coding sites where you might find what you're looking for.

(semi-shameful plug... :))
whooleytoo said:
Maybe this should be a regular feature, or a specialized forum here?

I'm a developer, and have been keeping an ear to the ground for interesting projects to get involved in.

I agree. Having a forum for people to collaborate on a project, partnering, and getting something out of it is what i have been looking for. I think the MacRummors community has a lot to offer in that, then again I wonder if that strays from it's original purpose too much (regardless, I will drop arn a comment about it).

SilentPanda said:
I have an area for just that in my (just starting) web site regarding Mac coding. The community is currently terribly small but I don't know how many people read it and haven't registered. Plus, can't hurt to post it in more than one place. Also on the front page there are links to many other coding sites where you might find what you're looking for.

Thanx... I think I will start one there as well in a similar fashion and see what happens. Here is a question for everyone who is following this though (and my purpose for being so vague in description) is that; In such a venue, what protects my ideas (as I want to make this into a marketable product) from being picked up by someone else outside of a discussion/partnership one might develop from such a forum and making a product on their own? Maybe I am being a bit ...protective/anal/whatever... about it. I am sure that a forum by and large would be great for the average idea man who has an idea for a niche product that would be great for freeware/shareware. Just so long as someone does it, great. But for the direction I would like to take this product to more of a commercial level, how well does this suit? I am all for the collaboration and partnering with people to get a job done (i really have more then just a passing interest in this) just wondering how to go about that and what is a proper way to do that.

Side(but ultimately important)note is what is a good rate for a programmer on a project?
Just out of curiosity... what do you need webbrowsing integrated into the app for? You can already play quicktime files in keynote so those two are already combined for you. The only thing you're missing is web browsing.
go here

that should give you and idea.... they have stopped development on their mac edition (which only got as far as OS 9) a few years back. What I want to do is similar to that and should give the direction I want to take it, only more robust with more features...

The hardest thing is deciding on a text format. I have been leaning toward a Keynote based system, but that is only if we can use it's core services. Basically building Keynote form the inside out so we can make it do what we want. IDK if that is possible, might require a whole new format... but I think it is important to have Keynote integrated if only on a 'viewer' level.
I'm also looking for some help in this area

Hey guys,
I'm also having some trouble finding references to companies who do Mac development. Walkingmac, have you had any success? Are you looking for quotes, or just someone to make the thing right away?

Greencardman said:
Hey guys,
I'm also having some trouble finding references to companies who do Mac development. Walkingmac, have you had any success? Are you looking for quotes, or just someone to make the thing right away?


at this point anything would be nice.... for me.... I have started some talks with a few programers, but they very preliminary and more collaborative at best. I would love to talk to someone who would be interested in sinking their teeth into a full project, but don't know where to turn and even if they did quote me, idk what are fair prices for projects. Should this be that hard?
The irony....

Ok, while surfing this thread looking for help I noticed the ads displyed at the bottom by macrumors. Of course there was one for a software development company. So yeah, is one. If anyone knows anything about them it would help, but you might want to try checking out their website.

Greencardman said:
Ok, while surfing this thread looking for help I noticed the ads displyed at the bottom by macrumors. Of course there was one for a software development company. So yeah, is one. If anyone knows anything about them it would help, but you might want to try checking out their website.


WOW... thanx.... I will keep an update on how my progress goes with this company on this thread
ok.... and I am also considering going back to school for programming now... realizing however that I have no idea what classes to look for that will help me in Mac OS X programming.... help
After reviewing Art & Logic's site, they seem to be very good. They seem to have partnered with Apple on a number of occasions and seem to have all the experience and background of the in's and out's of the OS and subsequent software (as I am needing integration with such).
I received an e-mail the next day from A&L and their rates I think are pretty reasonable at $3,990/week.
I will continue to update my progress with this company for other ppl who might be interested.
well... i have had several correspondence with the people over at A&L and they seem very knowledgeable, very professional, and very busy.

right now I am trying to develop the best roadmap to balance initial release features and development costs. JOY. But ya... I would DEF recommend them.
walkingmac said:
well... i have had several correspondence with the people over at A&L and they seem very knowledgeable, very professional, and very busy.

I can understand them being very busy. If that cost includes project management, it is very inexpensive.
This is a real joke...

A few days ago, I wasnt able to choose between investing full time in java programming or starting to learn cocoa, I picked java because I thought there wasnt enough contract opportunity in cocoa and now I see all these people offering contracts... Murphy's law again...

I guess I should take a second look at Xcode. I personnaly thinkg that there would be more developpers if Obj-C wasnt so weird looking. Seems like Apple cant do anything like the rest of the world, they had to invent the weirdest possible gramar...
Mantat said:
I guess I should take a second look at Xcode. I personnaly thinkg that there would be more developpers if Obj-C wasnt so weird looking. Seems like Apple cant do anything like the rest of the world, they had to invent the weirdest possible gramar...

Apple actually didn't invent Objective-C.

While Obj-C syntax may look different it is simply what it is. Coming from java you should find it follows a similar methodology.
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