So I woke up from a nap today and went to my iMac to see that my iPad was in recovery mode.
I have no idea why but it was connected to my iMac at the time.
So I tried to restore and every single time I get an error 28 code. It does not matter if I try to restore on a mac or a pc, same error code.
I am assuming my iPad is shot. I tried to call apple and of course their support is closed for the day.
I purchased my iPad from Best Buy 35 days ago so returning it there is a no option for me. I still want one, what will have to happen? I am currently located in Spokane, WA so there is no apple store near me.
With shortages I am assuming I am screwed getting this exchanged or fixed any time soon.
Can anyone maybe give me an idea of what might happen or what might be causing this error.
My itunes downloaded 3.2 software for the iPad, not sure why it downloaded software (firmware I should say).
I have no idea why but it was connected to my iMac at the time.
So I tried to restore and every single time I get an error 28 code. It does not matter if I try to restore on a mac or a pc, same error code.
I am assuming my iPad is shot. I tried to call apple and of course their support is closed for the day.
I purchased my iPad from Best Buy 35 days ago so returning it there is a no option for me. I still want one, what will have to happen? I am currently located in Spokane, WA so there is no apple store near me.
With shortages I am assuming I am screwed getting this exchanged or fixed any time soon.
Can anyone maybe give me an idea of what might happen or what might be causing this error.
My itunes downloaded 3.2 software for the iPad, not sure why it downloaded software (firmware I should say).