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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Mar 31, 2004
A geographical oddity
I'm having trouble coming up with the right wording for this post, as I'm not one to ask for such specific when I'm sure many of you earn money this way. But, if you all have suggestions, I will try to do the work as best I can.

I'd like to blow the attached image (the full size is 6MP - not so attachable) up as a present for my wife. I guess I'm just wondering - what can/should I do to get it ready, and what/how should I print it. Normally, I would just send it out as is for printing from a Costco or some such place.


  • IMGP0714.JPG
    124.9 KB · Views: 99


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Mar 31, 2004
A geographical oddity
A 6mp image will blow up to 8x10 or 11x14 pretty nicely. Costco and Sams Club actually have good print labs.

I guess I'm just wondering if I should crop or otherwise adjust the size, or perhaps adjust color, or consider (if you think it would come out looking good) printing it on something other than paper.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
Well I cannot see where you could crop it and be safe. I would leave it as is and try black and white. Compare the two and see if you like it better. I think color works but for these ones I'm always wondering if b/w is better.


macrumors 601
Jan 14, 2002
totally cool
I cropped it as a 10x8. Eliminating most of the hand with the wrist bands which I thought were distracting. The image becomes more about the baby and its mother rather than a newborn in the hospital. oh and congratulations on your new addition, there really is nothing better. :)


  • kid.jpg
    10.6 KB · Views: 82


macrumors 68020
Mar 28, 2006
The Library.
I'm having trouble coming up with the right wording for this post, as I'm not one to ask for such specific when I'm sure many of you earn money this way. But, if you all have suggestions, I will try to do the work as best I can.

I'd like to blow the attached image (the full size is 6MP - not so attachable) up as a present for my wife. I guess I'm just wondering - what can/should I do to get it ready, and what/how should I print it. Normally, I would just send it out as is for printing from a Costco or some such place.

I think this image would really look great on a very fine matte photo paper. If you don't have access to great matte, just use glossy. Anything on mediocre matte paper just looks yucky. Anyways, if you want this to be large, you should use bicubic resampling in photoshop. also, if you go B&W, do so with the channel mixer, not just by unsaturating every color. this will make the grayscale balance much more compelling.


macrumors 601
Jan 14, 2002
totally cool
Most printers will just print in E-surface paper which to me is fine. It doesn't fingerprint as bad as glossy and still has a nicer surface than matte. IMHO.
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