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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 1, 2007
I used to have a Nikon D40 before I got to college. I did not have time to take many pictures my first two years in school but now I would like to get back into it. I gave my camera to my father a few years ago and therefore and am in need of a new (to me) camera.

A little on my background and what I might be looking for in a new camera. My Flickr account link is in my signature if you would like to see some pictures of what I did a few years back. I had pretty much mastered the D40 in terms of settings and getting the picture I wanted. I would like to move up from the D40 this time around and get a mid level camera and probably just 1 lens to start with. I was thinking of maybe getting what used to be a high level camera a few years old that has now been surpassed by new technology.

After a little bit of looking around I was thinking of maybe the Nikon D2x. I would like to hear what you guys think about this and what other cameras you may suggest. My budget is probably 900-1000 for both a body and a lens.
If your father has any kind of lense collection - say 2 or more - you might want to stick with a Nikon that will be able to use those lenses. It is distinct possibility that eventually you will be merging your 'new' lenses with the ones you gave your dad (and the ones he may have bought for himself). When he sees you are back into photography he may give you your camera back, on the theory that he was merely care-taking it during your absence.

Even if you don't get it back, if will still be able to borrow any lenses he has if you stick to a similar Nikon.

When anyone asks me what is the best 'dSLR' I usually ask them what camera their closest friend/relative have - the one that they will be able to borrow from and ask 'how do I?' questions.

After a little bit of looking around I was thinking of maybe the Nikon D2x. I would like to hear what you guys think about this and what other cameras you may suggest. My budget is probably 900-1000 for both a body and a lens.

I wouldn't bother with the D2X these days - technology moves fast and that's a 9 year old camera.

You'd be far better with something like a D7000. It's much newer and the image quality will be MILES better at all ISOs. Even a D90 will be far better in terms of image quality than the D2X.

If you're planning on throwing it about & need the pro-level build quality then consider a D200 or D300. Neither of these can provide the image quality of the D7000 though.

Hope that helps.
After a little bit of looking around I was thinking of maybe the Nikon D2x. I would like to hear what you guys think about this and what other cameras you may suggest. My budget is probably 900-1000 for both a body and a lens.

First off what will you be photographing? It makes a huge difference in which len(s) to buy.

The newer camera are REALLY good deals. I would look at either a newer body or a very old one. Inother words either spend close to your budget or spend $150.

For example look at the Nikon USA refurb site, a D5100 kit sells for $470. I'd add a used 35mm f/1.8 lens to that for about $100. With that body and two lenses you'd be set for $600

The D7000 suggested is not bad. Nikon is selling it right now the $780 and then you add a $200 18-50mm lens for $980 and you are right up at you price limit. But the 5100 kit is a far better deal and no one will be able to know from looking at the results which SLR body you used. But that 35mm lens WILL show in the final results. You are best off getting the cheaper body and more/better lenses.

I would not go for an older "pro" body it gets you nothing. No on will see any difference in your end results. Also the 5100 does good quality video work

Then with your extra $400 you might think about lighting, tripods and software.
For example look at the Nikon USA refurb site, a D5100 kit sells for $470. I'd add a used 35mm f/1.8 lens to that for about $100. With that body and two lenses you'd be set for $600

I like this idea of getting the D5100. On the B&H a used D5100 body is $350. If I got that and a 35mm or 50mm prime what other lens would you suggest? I used to have a 55-200 zoom although I felt like I did not use it as much as my wider lenses. I have never bought a used lens but I could probably afford a higher quality used lens as well which probably makes more sense than a lower quality new lens. Advice?

Take a good look at what focal lengths you prefer. Start with the 35mm for sure and go from there. Personally I rarely shoot telephoto so all I own is a 10-24mm, 35mm and 85mm. Love the ultra wide for my landscapes and architecture, and prime lenses always give the best image quality and low light performance and bokeh for the price.
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