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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Aug 23, 2008
Somewhere in Florida
So you want to throw web video from your shiny and convenient couch-friendly macbook to your apple tv. This worked fine with your air, and pro... but the nifty new toy is resulting in choppy frame rates with the traditional 'airplay your desktop and put safari in full screen' trick. I have spent all day on this problem and have found a new trick that may (MAY) help.

The macbook (even 1.3MHz one) does not have enough umph to both render local retina video and mirror to an apple tv in a usable framerate.

In-safari AirPlay (El capitan)
The best choice is to use the new el capitan in-safari airplay option but it only works with supported video content. Most Flash-only sites will not support it (probably not by accident). If your video source is compatible, video is rock solid and HD. Not only is this superior but your apple remote will control the playback (unlike when you desktop mirror). This is like... the holy grail here. So if you can do it, you are golden.

AirParrot 2:
Not yet optimized for el-capitan I would suspect but air parrot 2 can result in slightly better frame rates by allowing you to mirror only select portions of your screen. You are STILL mirroring, however, so the macbook will not manage a good viewing experience. Lets hope that there is some optimization available to the developers in el capitan that can make this viable. While it is not a good solution, it is far more compatible... for example it will work with

ClickToPlugin+Media Center extensions:
With the free clicktoplugin and media center extensions together you can force safari video to airplay, however it seems to be about as restrictive in its selection as the el capitan safari feature, so it really does not address sites that you cannot use safari airplay on already. If you have Yosemite however this does open up a lot of content.

A fantastic plan B for most sites (and you are using el Capitan):
If safari airplay is not offered on your el capitan safari, you have an additional trick available to you. At least this works with the latest betas. I tested it with funimation and a few other non-airplay-ready sites but can confirm it will NOT work on hulu or crackle. Basically the flash-only sites will just not cooperate.

1. Open safari with two tabs. One on the site you desire to play a video, and the other on
2. Start the youtube video and with the new el-capitan airplay icon in the video, airplay your youtube content.
3. Kill the youtube tab once playback starts (don't worry, this is not a timing thing). Note that the airplay indicator on your desktop toolbar at the top remains blue.
4. Any video you now play in safari will be redirected over airplay even though no valid airplay icon is available. So now just return to your tab with the desired video and select play. The play area should indicate airplay redirection..

And the best part about this workaround is that your APPLE REMOTE CONTROL WILL STILL WORK!

Any other tools out there that can help out please post details please
So you want to throw web video from your shiny and convenient couch-friendly macbook to your apple tv. This worked fine with your air, and pro... but the nifty new toy is resulting in choppy frame rates with the traditional 'airplay your desktop and put safari in full screen' trick. I have spent all day on this problem and have found a new trick that may (MAY) help.

The macbook (even 1.3MHz one) does not have enough umph to both render local retina video and mirror to an apple tv in a usable framerate.

In-safari AirPlay (El capitan)
The best choice is to use the new el capitan in-safari airplay option but it only works with supported video content. Most Flash-only sites will not support it (probably not by accident). If your video source is compatible, video is rock solid and HD. Not only is this superior but your apple remote will control the playback (unlike when you desktop mirror). This is like... the holy grail here. So if you can do it, you are golden.

AirParrot 2:
Not yet optimized for el-capitan I would suspect but air parrot 2 can result in slightly better frame rates by allowing you to mirror only select portions of your screen. You are STILL mirroring, however, so the macbook will not manage a good viewing experience. Lets hope that there is some optimization available to the developers in el capitan that can make this viable. While it is not a good solution, it is far more compatible... for example it will work with

ClickToPlugin+Media Center extensions:
With the free clicktoplugin and media center extensions together you can force safari video to airplay, however it seems to be about as restrictive in its selection as the el capitan safari feature, so it really does not address sites that you cannot use safari airplay on already. If you have Yosemite however this does open up a lot of content.

A fantastic plan B for most sites (and you are using el Capitan):
If safari airplay is not offered on your el capitan safari, you have an additional trick available to you. At least this works with the latest betas. I tested it with funimation and a few other non-airplay-ready sites but can confirm it will NOT work on hulu or crackle. Basically the flash-only sites will just not cooperate.

1. Open safari with two tabs. One on the site you desire to play a video, and the other on
2. Start the youtube video and with the new el-capitan airplay icon in the video, airplay your youtube content.
3. Kill the youtube tab once playback starts (don't worry, this is not a timing thing). Note that the airplay indicator on your desktop toolbar at the top remains blue.
4. Any video you now play in safari will be redirected over airplay even though no valid airplay icon is available. So now just return to your tab with the desired video and select play. The play area should indicate airplay redirection..

And the best part about this workaround is that your APPLE REMOTE CONTROL WILL STILL WORK!

Any other tools out there that can help out please post details please

can you report on the major video websites like youtube, vimeo, facebook etc? do those work with safari natively on el capitan?
I'll have to check vimeo and facebook. Below are top of my head what I tested. Ill have to go back and check to update full list. If you have a site in mind let me know and Ill test it.

Even though several of these have apple tv apps or can airplay from their iphone clients, its always nicer to have a macbook in my opinion.

Youtube: Native in-safari airplay AirParrot2 or desktop mirroring required
Funimation: Workaround in-safari airplay
NFL Gamepass: AirParrot2 or desktop mirroring required
Crackle: AirParrot2 or desktop mirroring required
Facebook: Clicktoflash+mediacenter send-to-appletv works during video play.
Vimeo: Native in-safari airplay
CNN: AirParrot2 or desktop mirroring required Native in-safari airplay
Crunchy roll: AirParror2 or desktop mirroring required
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Even though several of these have apple tv apps or can airplay from their iphone clients, its always nicer to have a macbook in my opinion.

Definitely, i agree with you! Its just convenient to have it in the reach of the video. So i would be very thankful if you checked vimeo and some facebook videos.
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