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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 5, 2007
say you want to use your iPad to watch "legal" movies/tv-shows which you bittorrent down from some tracker, how do you get them to your iPad?

would be great if this could be done wireless/automagical so you can watch it in your bed as soon as you wake up. have some rss-feed on your computer which sends it the iPad. is this possible?
You'll likely do what's done on an iPhone - import media into your iTunes library, sync with iPad, and enjoy.
Try dropbox app, it does exactly what you want. Let's you sync up any type of files, movies, music, PDF with mac or pc. App is free and service is free up to 2gb. You can sync over 3g or wireless, however this won't work for drm files.
Try dropbox app, it does exactly what you want. Let's you sync up any type of files, movies, music, PDF with mac or pc. App is free and service is free up to 2gb. You can sync over 3g or wireless, however this won't work for drm files.

I don't think I totally understand, but wouldn't this run into a codec issue? A lot of torrent content is in DiVX.

Another possibility is Air Video, you could set up your torrents to download to the Air Video server folder. Codec wouldn't matter then, I think.
Just make sure the new file is in iPad-compatible format -- H.264 most likely -- and accessible to a web server on the machine (like the built-in Apache on the Mac). Use Safari, go to the appropriate directory on the machine (which you have bookmarked) and just download the file. It should start playing almost immediately as it downloads. (It will be interesting to find out if/how file size limits come into play here.)

If you want more than one file "pre-downloaded" so that you can take it to go, that's more complicated because it requires that the iPad stay on for probably several minutes to transfer all that data, which it wouldn't do automatically in the middle of the night. You'd need something to wake it up a half-hour before you get up and do the sync.
Alternatively, you could use a streaming video software such as Orb. Doesn't matter what codec the source video is in since the software handles all that and streams it to the iPad in the proper format.

Otherwise, you would need to automatically transcode it to the proper format. Vuze bittorrent client will do this for you.
xillisofts video converter is very good

the new update to xillisoft video converter - ultimate package has added support for ipad already, im in the process of converting a load of .mkv files now.

then it's just a case of adding the converted files to ur itunes movies library and syncing.
Grr...never tried any of this...can I get some info?

Just this week I started looking at ways to convert the movies I own to digital format. That's been exciting :rolleyes:

I have gigs and gigs or music and photo's....but only video I have is from iTunes (and some funny youtube stuff I made myself thru iMovie).

My question is: I have maybe 10 or so movies that I want to rip into iPad compatible (I have been told H.264 or Apple TV) format.

I have Nero on a PC at work which 'seems' like an easy way to rip and convert. At home I have handbrake (newest version) on my iMac and MBP. Handbrake's a throwback to the 1990's. I did a search online and discovered, as far as commercial software, Apple has almost nothing. I don't mind paying for it...but I want something that is basically a "insert disk, select format, hit start button"....can anyone give me some reccomendations? I would love something that did cover art and chapters if it's encoded on the DVD. Oh..and I tried Mac the Ripper too...again...not very intuitive.

I can use my work PC and Nero...then save it to a thumbdrive...then import it into iTunes...even though Nero is drag and drop the rest of it seems a little like going around your elbow to get to your butt...


the new update to xillisoft video converter - ultimate package has added support for ipad already, im in the process of converting a load of .mkv files now.

then it's just a case of adding the converted files to ur itunes movies library and syncing.

See my post's this work? Easy to use? How long to rip a 1-1/2 hour movie?

I recommend iFlicks:

It converts video for use on Apple devices. The "universal" preset will make sure the video plays on iPhones, Apple TVs and iPads. It also grabs metadata like cover art and season/episode.
At home I have handbrake (newest version) on my iMac and MBP. Handbrake's a throwback to the 1990's.

Wow, this is quite literally the first negative comment I've ever heard about Handbrake. I think its great.
At home I have handbrake (newest version) on my iMac and MBP. Handbrake's a throwback to the 1990's.


I feel the same way about Handbrake for OSX.

Wow, this is quite literally the first negative comment I've ever heard about Handbrake. I think its great.

Handbrake for Win is way better than OSX version IMHO.
All you need is "Air Video" app. It converts on the fly and will stream to you (wifi only) so you have to be on your home network, but it will stream several formats to your iPhone. I assume this will work on the iPad, but no confirmation of that fact.
All you need is "Air Video" app. It converts on the fly and will stream to you (wifi only) so you have to be on your home network, but it will stream several formats to your iPhone. I assume this will work on the iPad, but no confirmation of that fact.

+1 on air video!!

You can also stream outside of your home wifi network if you do a little more setup; forwarding ports and such. I stream air video on my commuter train everyday via 3G.

Just about every format is supported, it converts them on the fly, and buffering is minimal.

I hope they port it to iPad to support the entire iPad screen, not just the 2x iPhone stretch. Totally worth $3 if you have a video collection on your computer that you do not want to covert to iPhone/iPad compatible formats. I'm banking on this because I got a 16GB iPad
I feel the same way about Handbrake for OSX.

Handbrake for Win is way better than OSX version IMHO.

I have it for OSX and it's not pretty...It took my 4 trys to get AVP to rip. I was told the wrong resolution by a knowledgable friend. Then I had to download another program (forgot which but works with handbrake and you have to have it) and I had to go looking for it beacuse the commonly available downloads wasn't the newest one...then the 3rd time it didn't rip the last 3 chapters...<sigh> the 4th time it finally just ripped one big video file...which is where I stopped. I know..I found out later I was WAY overmanaging it...but by then I was disgusted with it. The last 3 movies I just purchased with the 'digital copy' code so I could download it from iTunes. (Much easier but no savings there).
I recommend iFlicks:

It converts video for use on Apple devices. The "universal" preset will make sure the video plays on iPhones, Apple TVs and iPads. It also grabs metadata like cover art and season/episode.

All you need is "Air Video" app. It converts on the fly and will stream to you (wifi only) so you have to be on your home network, but it will stream several formats to your iPhone. I assume this will work on the iPad, but no confirmation of that fact.

Thanks for the links. Going to be checking this out.

I have it for OSX and it's not pretty...It took my 4 trys to get AVP to rip. I was told the wrong resolution by a knowledgable friend. Then I had to download another program (forgot which but works with handbrake and you have to have it) and I had to go looking for it beacuse the commonly available downloads wasn't the newest one...then the 3rd time it didn't rip the last 3 chapters...<sigh> the 4th time it finally just ripped one big video file...which is where I stopped. I know..I found out later I was WAY overmanaging it...but by then I was disgusted with it. The last 3 movies I just purchased with the 'digital copy' code so I could download it from iTunes. (Much easier but no savings there).

I feel your pain, I had difficulty with the OS X version also. The experience wasn't the same as you would in Windows. I typically rip/convert movies on my i7 using Slysoft AnyDVD HD, Ripbot & Handbrake for Windows because its way more powerful than my MBP. But left my i7 desktop at my parents house in CA when I moved to VA. Since I only brought my MBP with me, I found Xilisoft Video Converter for movies & iFlicks for TV Shows to be easy & fast for me. I'm going to try out Air Video but I'll wait until I get my iPad this Sat.
All you need is "Air Video" app. It converts on the fly and will stream to you (wifi only) so you have to be on your home network, but it will stream several formats to your iPhone. I assume this will work on the iPad, but no confirmation of that fact.

I have a Extreme Dual-N base that I stream to two Express N 'airtunes' routers. I have all of our iTunes in Home Share. Which means we can listen to whatever music we want in the house (router one) or out by the pool (router 2) really good for what I want it to do.

Would Air video take it's 'source' from a DVD in, say our house server (iMac) and stream it to any wireless connected device? Or does it convert it, store it, then stream it on demand? (sort of like the XBOX media manager).
This sounds like something that will do more than I want..and in a good way.
How is it any different?

Personally, I found the Windows version easier to work with. Maybe it's because I do all my ripping on my i7 & I'm use to it. But I have used the OS X version before & I was using Handbrake for OS X way before I started to rip on a Windows machine. I stuck with it until I found a better alternative. Guess it's personal preference. I'm not saying Handbrake for OS X is bad in general, it's not for me.
Would Air video take it's 'source' from a DVD in, say our house server (iMac) and stream it to any wireless connected device? Or does it convert it, store it, then stream it on demand? (sort of like the XBOX media manager).
This sounds like something that will do more than I want..and in a good way.

You can have it either way. If you have an iPhone download the free version of the app to try it out. You can tell it to convert then watch, or have it transcoded on the fly and watch straight away. Live Conversion works pretty well with scrubbing plus there's subtitle support to boot.
All you need is "Air Video" app. It converts on the fly and will stream to you (wifi only) so you have to be on your home network, but it will stream several formats to your iPhone. I assume this will work on the iPad, but no confirmation of that fact.

wow, cool. this will do the job! thanks!

tvtad->shared air video folder->ipad->hammock :D
Handbrake no longer decrypts encrypted DVDs, at least in OSX anyway.

I've been using ripit recently and that's been working well. I've also used MacTheRipper or in extreme cases DVDFAB in a windows VM and then handbrake.

I pick the AppleTV option and away I go, never a problem and I don't have to fiddle with settings.

Oh, and +1 for AirVideo.
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