I spent £1200 on a reconditioned Imac just over a year and a half age when the screen went, only half of it mind you, switched it on and the screen came on then the top half of the screen flicked off, put it into sleep mode and then out of it and the whole screen came on and then half flicked off.
I took it to apple to get fixed no apple warranty it will cost you £400 for the repair I had no choice!
It took a month for the repair,In the meen time I complained to them (if you buy a cheap pc it would last longer then that, I wanted to know exactly what was wrong I complained to the head of europe apple kept and getting the run around. I wanted to get any part that was replaced on my mac returned to me so I could get it checked out independently, we dont do that they said and eventually reduced the price by £50.
The day arrived to pick up my machine i was happy my machine was ready but still unhappy. I demanded to see the head of the repair department and went over the same old spiel pointing out that the parts belonged to me. no joy he showed me some small print pointing out how they recycle the parts to fix machines, I pointed out that this makes things even worse your using shoddy parts and then charge people £400 to get their machines fixed!! and suggested that my machine hadnt been reconditioned properly. either you return the parts that were replaced (ps they dont find the exact fault in the machine if the screen is faulty they will replace the whole screen) or I want the fix for free, I have spent alot of money on this and Im getting in other customers in listening now and this is the second time I have had a dodge product (power book G4 2003 white splodges on screen which was recalled) this should be a recall not charging me £350 !!! eventually I took my imac home with no charge ! a good result just something people should be aware of.
I took it to apple to get fixed no apple warranty it will cost you £400 for the repair I had no choice!
It took a month for the repair,In the meen time I complained to them (if you buy a cheap pc it would last longer then that, I wanted to know exactly what was wrong I complained to the head of europe apple kept and getting the run around. I wanted to get any part that was replaced on my mac returned to me so I could get it checked out independently, we dont do that they said and eventually reduced the price by £50.
The day arrived to pick up my machine i was happy my machine was ready but still unhappy. I demanded to see the head of the repair department and went over the same old spiel pointing out that the parts belonged to me. no joy he showed me some small print pointing out how they recycle the parts to fix machines, I pointed out that this makes things even worse your using shoddy parts and then charge people £400 to get their machines fixed!! and suggested that my machine hadnt been reconditioned properly. either you return the parts that were replaced (ps they dont find the exact fault in the machine if the screen is faulty they will replace the whole screen) or I want the fix for free, I have spent alot of money on this and Im getting in other customers in listening now and this is the second time I have had a dodge product (power book G4 2003 white splodges on screen which was recalled) this should be a recall not charging me £350 !!! eventually I took my imac home with no charge ! a good result just something people should be aware of.