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macrumors 65816
Original poster
May 6, 2012
Spaceball One
I'm getting new thermal paste to see if it will bring my core temps down some... I am getting Prolimatech PK-3. First of all I was wondering if this would work for my laptop (I've heard some stuff about paste that eats aluminum, but I'm pretty sure this will work).

I need to know how much paste to get (1.5g or 5g). I just don't know how much paste I will use per application. I will likely end up using most of the tube re-pasting my computer as well as any others that I refurbish. So how many applications do you think 1.5g and 5g will get me?

Another thing- paste seems to be a lot cheaper on eBay. Are there fake pastes on eBay I need to look out for?
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macrumors 68020
Jan 18, 2008
Hawaii, USA
I need to know how much paste to get (1.5g or 5g). I just don't know how much paste I will use per application.
You use very little per application. I used to build computers a few years ago, and the guidelines that I worked off of recommended using an amount about the size of a pea. There's no expiration date on the stuff, though, so if you think that you'll be using it on a lot of other computers then go ahead and get the larger tube.

Another thing- paste seems to be a lot cheaper on eBay. Are there fake pastes on eBay I need to look out for?
While I haven't heard of fake thermal pastes, eBay is filled with fakes of everything. Consider the costs of your computer and its various components. What will buying paste on eBay save you? $10, maybe $20? While those pastes might work perfectly fine, I do not think that those savings justify the risk to the rest of your equipment.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 18, 2012
With thermal compound, less is better. Search for tutorials, how much to put on etc. Just remember.. do not overdo it. For your computer, 1.5g is plenty.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
May 6, 2012
Spaceball One
You use very little per application. I used to build computers a few years ago, and the guidelines that I worked off of recommended using an amount about the size of a pea. There's no expiration date on the stuff, though, so if you think that you'll be using it on a lot of other computers then go ahead and get the larger tube.

While I haven't heard of fake thermal pastes, eBay is filled with fakes of everything. Consider the costs of your computer and its various components. What will buying paste on eBay save you? $10, maybe $20? While those pastes might work perfectly fine, I do not think that those savings justify the risk to the rest of your equipment.

Bought the 5g tube as it doesn't have an expiry date and I'll eventually use it all... Not buying from eBay just in case ;)
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