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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 9, 2008
OK..I posted last night about the difference in the Mac 3.06 or the 2.8ghz
(sorry If I annoyed anyone by asking again)

If I get refurb...I may be able to swing the 3.06 but still not sure if its worth the extra $350.

I am a photographer NOT a gamer so it may not make much difference.

Anyway..Id like to know everyone's opinion about Refurb and your experience!!
It comes with the same warranty but for this price range I just hope Im not buying some POS .

THANKS SO MUCH. I am just a little nervous ..its a lot of $$$$$ :eek:
go for refurb. its same warranty as new and only difference is brown box vs. nice apple box. save your self few $100s buying refurbished. you wouldn't see much difference between 2.8 and 3.06 for photography use so another option to save a bit more
Let me sum up the difference between the 3.06ghz and the 2.8ghz processor...

206mhz. In other words, less than the speed of a Pentium II processor. You will see almost no difference, particularly for the work you do.

Now, I am in the same situation. I am a photographer, wanting an iMac to accompany my MacBook Pro... however I am put off by the GPU power (or lack there of) in the current SKU of iMac's. I'm waiting till MCSF in hopes of a refresh.

But if you can't wait, by all means go refurb and the 2.8ghz model. There is no logical reason not too.
Let me sum up the difference between the 3.06ghz and the 2.8ghz processor...

206mhz. In other words, less than the speed of a Pentium II processor. You will see almost no difference, particularly for the work you do.

Now, I am in the same situation. I am a photographer, wanting an iMac to accompany my MacBook Pro... however I am put off by the GPU power (or lack there of) in the current SKU of iMac's. I'm waiting till MCSF in hopes of a refresh.

But if you can't wait, by all means go refurb and the 2.8ghz model. There is no logical reason not too.

You get more than just 206mhz however. You need to consider the upgraded graphics card as well as higher capacity hard drive standard.

If you are going to be using the computer for a while its worth it to get the NVIDIA 8800GS -- especially with Snow Leopard coming. If you want to "prepare for the future" the 3.06 does that much better than the 2.8ghz model -- especially for just a few hundred bucks.
You get more than just 206mhz however. You need to consider the upgraded graphics card as well as higher capacity hard drive standard.

If you are going to be using the computer for a while its worth it to get the NVIDIA 8800GS -- especially with Snow Leopard coming. If you want to "prepare for the future" the 3.06 does that much better than the 2.8ghz model -- especially for just a few hundred bucks.

I dont know much about snow leopard..when will it be out? What will the major difference be? thanks
Refurb. I just bought my parents and sister a refurb iMac 2.8 (24 inch) and they LOVE it. They all fight over who gets to use it. There is a benefit to refurb noone mentioned....techs take them out of the box and run a series of tests on them, make sure they are ok, then stick them back in the box. They come shrinkwrapped and everything just like a brand new one.
I'm in the same boat as you! I don't know what iMac to get. I'm not much of a gamer but I really love to play The Sims 2. I would want to play it with all the expansion packs but I don't know if it would run fast with the 24 inch iMac with 2.8GHz. I would love to get the 3.06GHz iMac because of the video card but then I won't have much money left. I'm a college student and I still need to get more books. I hope the requirements for The Sims 3 meet whatever iMac I get!
I had the same choice to make, and finally went with the 2.8 referb. The money difference I used for apple care and upgraded ram. I didn't need a larger HD, plus after reading the graphics card would be more than what I need.

So far no problems, transferred everything from my Time Machine backup with no problem, did the system updates, and off running. The machine looks great, 24" screen is AWESOME and no problems. Good luck with the decision.
Refurb 3.08 with the upgraded video card- great machine, great price, same warranty.

Having said that, I bought it new cause I did not want to wait 3 days for delivery....
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