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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 17, 2003
north philly
i made the mistake of installing norton antivrus and the utilities a while ago.
i posted here before to ask hwo to get rid of it and i got responses like "go to finder do a search for norton and delete everything that shows up"
well i did that and nothing else shows up anymore but i know norton is still around because in my system preferences menu, theres 2 norton icons
does anyone know what to do?
Re: getting rid of norton

Originally posted by raiderz182
i made the mistake of installing norton antivrus and the utilities a while ago.
i posted here before to ask hwo to get rid of it and i got responses like "go to finder do a search for norton and delete everything that shows up"
well i did that and nothing else shows up anymore but i know norton is still around because in my system preferences menu, theres 2 norton icons
does anyone know what to do?
There is an uninstaller on the distribution CD.
Duff-Man says....even the uninstaller does not always get rid of all traces of this software - the "kext" files in system/library/extensions for instance - so if you still have the installer's log file that will help track them all down...and the uninstall routine will also create a log that will help you find remnants.....oh yeah!
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