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macrumors newbie
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Nov 26, 2007
Hello all, i have an iMac Aluminum with Leopard, and I have set up a hot corner to sleep the display. I was wondering if there was a way to make this feature require a password when I wake up the display. I have checked the box in the settings prefpane, but that only works for full sleep and for the screen saver. Help is appreciated. Thank you all!!!

EDIT: Check my latest post ( for a solution to this. It works well for me. If anyone knows how to encorporate similar code into the applescript without requiring the separate app to sleep the display, please let me know. Thanks!
Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't believe that will solve the OP's problem.

The solution you suggested will indeed require a password when waking the computer from a FULL sleep (i.e., if you push the power button, or if you go Apple > Sleep

However, if you mouse to a hot corner that is set to "Sleep Display", waking the display back up will simply turn the display on without requiring a password.

Anybody know of a way to get the display to go to sleep via a hot corner, and require a password upon waking?
Make one of the hot corners set to enable the screensaver. It'll need the password to get back out from that.

Yep, this is the way I do it and it is great for quickly "locking" the system when I step away.

As for putting the system into sleep mode for longer absences I just use the Option-Command-CD Eject key combo. This puts the machine immediately into full sleep mode which will of course require a password to wake from.
I had no idea about this shortcut!! Awesome!!!! thanks!


PS - is there a similar keyboard shortcut for shutdown?

Sorry, not that know of. However, pushing Control - CD Eject will bring up a nice choice of options for you including sleep, shut down and restart of which shut down is the default so all you'd have to do is hit enter at that point. You wouldn't need a mouse click.

It wouldn't be safe to have a keyboard shortcut that shut down the computer without any sort of confirmation from the user.
Makes perfect sense, and the menu that pops up when pressing CTRL-EJECT (same menu as pressing the power key on my MacBook) is a great way of confirming a shutdown.

I agree, that I would not want a simple keystroke or keystroke combination to result in my shutting down the computer without confirmation!!

If you don't want to enable the "Require password to wake..." option, you can open Keychain Access and enable "Show status in menu bar":

Picture 1.jpg

Then you'll get the chance to lock the screen from your menu bar (which basically starts your screen saver for as long as that is set to work before the "sleep screen" from the EnergySaver kicks in):

Picture 2.jpg

Not sure if you can use the Keyboard and Mouse prefpane to set a keyboard shortcut for the "Lock Screen" command, though...

Edit: Well, it seems it is possible to assign a keyboard shortcut...

Picture 3.jpg

...but it only seem to work after you've clicked the keychain menu bar icon... :rolleyes:

Sloppy, Apple, sloppy...
Does the power button count? I don't recommend it since it's better to let OSX run its own shut down tasks.

you can setup the power button to shut down the computer by going to System Preferences>energy saver>options tab, uncheck allow power to sleep computer
Well, so far there hasn't really been an answer to the original question here.

We're not talking about using screen savers, or system locking.

Upon returning from sleeping the display, is it possible to be prompted for a password? (much like how the screensaver prompts for one)

I believe the OP was thinking of this as an example of the ideal situation:

1. Activating the "Sleep Display" option via a hot corner
2. Reactivating the screen by input such as moving a mouse/pressing a key
3. A prompt for a password comes up
4. After verification, the user is returned to the normal OS environment

Right now, I'm assuming the answer to the original question is, "No."

Please someone prove me wrong?
Well, so far there hasn't really been an answer to the original question here.

We're not talking about using screen savers, or system locking.

Upon returning from sleeping the display, is it possible to be prompted for a password? (much like how the screensaver prompts for one)

I believe the OP was thinking of this as an example of the ideal situation:

1. Activating the "Sleep Display" option via a hot corner
2. Reactivating the screen by input such as moving a mouse/pressing a key
3. A prompt for a password comes up
4. After verification, the user is returned to the normal OS environment

Right now, I'm assuming the answer to the original question is, "No."

Please someone prove me wrong?

Apple - please consider this a respectful suggestion for an added capability to Leopard 10.5.2 or 10.5.3 Thanks!!!

In all seriousness - is there a way to get user suggestions such as these to Apple for their consideration?


For anyone interested in this, i have written a simple applescript that sleeps the display and locks the screen. Just put both of these files in /Applications, and run "Sleep &". Enjoy!

Note: The that is included was written by Malcolm Hall, and can be found at


  • Sleep&
    21.8 KB · Views: 529
For anyone interested in this, i have written a simple applescript that sleeps the display and locks the screen. Just put both of these files in /Applications, and run "Sleep &". Enjoy!

This works wonderfully! Thanks so much for sharing! Though I don't know of a way to get a hotcorner to start an app; for me, all I have to do is get this app bound to an F key and voila :D
Does this script run the screensaver while the display is sleeping? Because one thing I was hoping to avoid was running the screen saver process as it makes use of resources/causes more heat.
This does use the screensaver process... on a side note, is anyone having a problem getting the imac screen to stay asleep? for some reason, mine wakes up randomly...
Sleep & Display is not compatible with 10.6 and requires Rosetta to be installed. Is there a way we can get this updated for 10.6? I emailed the maker of "Sleep Display" if they will be releasing a 10.6 version. I haven't received a reply yet.
Sleep & Display is not compatible with 10.6 and requires Rosetta to be installed. Is there a way we can get this updated for 10.6? I emailed the maker of "Sleep Display" if they will be releasing a 10.6 version. I haven't received a reply yet.

According to the developer, "Sleep Display" works fine under 10.6

So there is another property of Sleep & Display that is prompting Rosetta:
So there is another property of Sleep & Display that is prompting Rosetta:

That's because it's a PPC executable.

Here's is the same thing compiled as 64-bit command line tool for Snow Leopard. Source code included (not mine, found via the googles). Although it worked for me, the code is using undocumented APIs, which means it could break with any future OS update.


    2.3 KB · Views: 653
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