Hi there i am about to get started learning to program for the iPad, my previous experience is in Ruby, PHP, Visual Basic, Basic and a little Java.
Just by a finger count i have 20 books on C and 30 on C++ so if you recommend one it's possible i have it.
Now what i am wanting to know is if i am programming for a iPad is it only Objective C or is it a mix of Objective C and C, i also notice Apple says C++ programs are supported so would a grounding in C and C++ helm me learn Objective C and get me started on my first iPad application?
Just by a finger count i have 20 books on C and 30 on C++ so if you recommend one it's possible i have it.
Now what i am wanting to know is if i am programming for a iPad is it only Objective C or is it a mix of Objective C and C, i also notice Apple says C++ programs are supported so would a grounding in C and C++ helm me learn Objective C and get me started on my first iPad application?