I took a ton of video today with my iphone and can't figure out how to get them on my computer 
Can anyone offer a step by step ?
Can anyone offer a step by step ?
I took a ton of video today with my iphone and can't figure out how to get them on my computer
Can anyone offer a step by step ?
whats the next best program after iPhoneBrowser? it crashes for me if my iphone is connected with usb.
whats the next best program after iPhoneBrowser? it crashes for me if my iphone is connected with usb.
This wins the laziest post award. And to answer your (or the OP's) question, download one of the mentioned programs and install SSH on the iPhone through cydia. Then, find out the IP of the iPhone in the wifi settings (click the blue arrow next to your wireless network). Run one of the above mentioned apps and connect to the IP address of your phone after setting the client to SSH mode. The default username is "root" and the default password is "alpine".
Hope that helps. If you need even more specific instructions, let me know what OS you're using and I can help you further.
Thanks I did manage to get them onto my PC (windows) using iphone tunnel suite.
download ishare from cydia... you can use that to email files off the phone to yourself. Run ishare and search the folders for the videos (i cant remember what folder they are in). But its real easy.
does any1 know wat folder this is?
can any1 give me the path?
for example:
? > ? > ? > ?
/private/var/mobile/Media/Videos/does any1 know wat folder this is?
can any1 give me the path?
Indeed.If you had read this post you might have found in post #2 it gave you the directory they are in.