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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jan 3, 2006
My Photoshop Elements is version 1.0 (Windows and Mac) and it is a Classic version, so it does not work on my intel Mac. I don't want to install XP just for PSE, either. For a combination of being cheap, not wanting to spend money on a PPC only product and my desire to support opensource projects, I'd like to use GIMP instead of PSE for a while.

When I first started using PSE, I remember a book my Aaland helped me out quite a bit. It does not go through each menu element and tell you what it means, but it uses those options for particular little projects, such as "Intensifying the Sky", "Fixing the White Balance" etc. I wonder if there are similar books, something along the likes of "Missing Manual" series that might be helful.

Of course, instead of directing me to GIMP books, feel free to steer me back towards PSE if you think GIMP would be a waste of time, because of some missing features that I cannot live without or what not. So far, the only missing feature seemed to be a magic wand. :)


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jan 3, 2006
Oh, come on. I've seen many heated discussions about GIMP and Photoshop here. Nobody who can suggest any books or other help sources? Well, I know about the tutorials pages on GIMP's website, but I guess anything other than that could be quite valuable.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
For the most part I've found that Photoshop techniques pretyy much work in Gimp. Of course the exact sequence of menu picks is differnet but as far as the basic idea of how to use layers, masks, levela dnc urves goes it's about the same.

But you asked for Books. First off is "GIMP - The Official Handbook" a 900 page book that is available free from the Gimp web site. But you may want to buy the printed copy. 900 page is a lot to print out.
Others are listed below

Take a look here too:

And then there are the GIMP mailing list if you have a specific question


macrumors 68000
Mar 30, 2005
I havent tried it, but you could try GimpShop which seems to try to get around the differences between PS and GIMP. You might be able to get by on your knowledge of PSE.
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