I really like the composition and the differently colored areas. Not equally fond of the noisy/grainy stuff though.
Colors are awesome, Really noisy though.. I'm not a professional photographer but *I think* if you lowered your ISO and increased your Aperture that would help fix it?
I'm probably wrong so don't think I'm acting as a know it all, I'm just suggesting what I think might help.
Otherwise, Great angle and really cool shot anyway!
Maybe his lens wont go any wider? adjusting the aperture would also alter the depth of field!
Nice shot!Wel composed!
Colors are awesome, Really noisy though.. I'm not a professional photographer but *I think* if you lowered your ISO and increased your Aperture that would help fix it?
I'm probably wrong so don't think I'm acting as a know it all, I'm just suggesting what I think might help.
Otherwise, Great angle and really cool shot anyway!
I bet with the grain, this would be amazing (equally) as a B&W.
Not much I can do about ISO3200 on an original 1D body, and I think that the natural noise looks better than heavily processed noise reduction stuff. Thanks though.
What ISO did you shoot this at? With an aperture of 1.4 and the reflected light I think you could've afforded to do ISO400 even, with steady enough hands. Looks like you shot it at 1600+ though.
Are you f ing serious? Trying to tell me what available light was there? This is a bit underexposed and it was shot at 1/80, f/1.4, ISO3200. Come on now. I know my stuff. Don't you think if I could've shot this at 400, I would've?
Are you f ing serious? Trying to tell me what available light was there? This is a bit underexposed and it was shot at 1/80, f/1.4, ISO3200. Come on now. I know my stuff. Don't you think if I could've shot this at 400, I would've?
Dont post a photo and expect all praiseIf you cant take criticism, don't post.
I like the photo - its good. However as others have pointed out, the graining devalues it (IMO) and makes the picture look amateurish. I can see where you were going though and like it.
You made a thread just to show off this one photo! Please don't expect everybody to be gushing, "Ohhh my, how lovely." I wasn't trying to attack you or anything, and I'm not trying to say that you don't know what you're doing; I'm just saying that I think the photo could've been taken differently, and I'd like it all the more for that. I'm not even much of a photographer myself, you probably know more than I do. I was just giving my two cents. If you don't agree with me, that's fine, but there's no need to be so sour about it.