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macrumors 65816
Original poster
I'm looking at developing apps for the App Store but really don't want to pay for a private Git repository. I'm debating on just using the local git repository on my mac option, but I would rather have it on the web and privately so I can work on it between multiple computers without sharing my code with the world. Any thoughts or suggestions?


macrumors 65816
Original poster
I was thinking of something more like that allows for so many private repositories with a free tier. My idea is to write proprietary code on an app until it it's lost it's momentum and then open sourcing the code without having to move the code around.
I use BitBucket. Private repositories are free, and they start charging when you have more than a certain number of users.
I'll check that out.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
I didn't think allowed any private repositories without paying.

EDIT: Oh, I see! Something like


No worries, thanks for your input though, Bitbucket looks promising and according to WhoIs I'm guessing it's datacenter is hosted in the US, I'll give it a shot but if all else fails I'll just have to resort to iCloud Drive since I'm already paying for storage on it.

Amazing Iceman

macrumors 603
Nov 8, 2008
Florida, U.S.A.
In my case, it's just me. I just need it sometimes to work remotely with poor or no Internet connectivity.
I've been using iCloud Drive to store my projects, but not yet as a Git repository properly configured.

The advantage I see in iCloud Drive is that my iMac at home keeps it backed up with Time Machine.

So, do you recommend iCloud for this purpose? is it safe?



macrumors 65816
Original poster
In my case, it's just me. I just need it sometimes to work remotely with poor or no Internet connectivity.
I've been using iCloud Drive to store my projects, but not yet as a Git repository properly configured.

The advantage I see in iCloud Drive is that my iMac at home keeps it backed up with Time Machine.

So, do you recommend iCloud for this purpose? is it safe?


I wouldn't say it isn't safer than any other cloud service, but in the grand scheme of things it's probably safer to house proprietary code on it than on a public git repository and has better backup redundancy than a time machine backup.


Moderator emeritus
Aug 16, 2005
New England
Of course one advantage of git or other version control systems over any file system level backups is a structured history of the changes.

Not only being able to restore to a point in time, but backing out correlated changes across multiple files, and ideally having some hint as to what those changes were supposed to do.

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macrumors 68000
Sep 5, 2009
I've never been able to stabilize a long-running project effectively outside of GIT, so yes, I highly suggest any route involving it. Git is everything and there are many services that allow you to easily create spaces for remote repositories since they have no centralized space.
While I had good history with Bitbucket, I personally use Github and bite the bullet for the cost since the benefit is so incredible - it means that you are able to work on the source where the majority of code of hosted, making maintenance much easier, and encourages contribution and personal growth through the community side of it.

As far as Git itself, if you are not using it, then you are going to kick yourself in the future. It may be confusing at first but in the long haul, it is something you just cannot do without. Using version control, you can concurrently work on a single project in multiple states, along with what balmaw says, keep structured and detailed history with commentary which provides advantages to rollbacks and historical reference.
Git specifically makes the process of branching and merging your work nearly painless, which makes maintaining (bugs, framework updates, hot fixes) and expanding (features, release) codebases much easier to logically flow. My biggest caveat being Xcode and a few of it's anti-version control configurations that are more annoying to feel around - but besides that and the underlying learning curve and habit adjustment to any sort of version control, it's silly not to VC your codebase.

Maintaining projects locally until you find a remote source is never bad. In fact, you can maintain a local GIT repo and just back that up to some other source, like dropbox or iCloud, without much trouble (all git information is stored in a .git directory).


macrumors 603
Sep 23, 2008
I am using Git with NAS to back up and share my work locally. I can just use it like a remote repository. I was thinking of moving it to BitBucket as a private repository, but I’d rather just keep my work local.


macrumors newbie
Oct 10, 2008
Akron, OH
A lot of what I think has already been shared above (BitBucket has private repos, Github is ultimately better and worth the small fee, Git itself is wonderful despite the initial learning curve). However, if you do decide to go with something like iCloud Drive/Dropbox and a local repo, I would consider setting up a bare repo in iCloud Drive and pushing your changes to that one.

A bare repo is a repo without a working directory. You basically can only push/pull into it.

Clone the repo locally to a different folder. What gets synced across devices then is essentially very similar to how you might use something like Github or BitBucket or Beanstalk.
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macrumors 65816
Apr 22, 2012
The Left Coast
I'm looking at developing apps for the App Store but really don't want to pay for a private Git repository. I'm debating on just using the local git repository on my mac option, but I would rather have it on the web and privately so I can work on it between multiple computers without sharing my code with the world. Any thoughts or suggestions?
I'd suggest bitbucket. It's both free and allows private repos.


macrumors newbie
May 15, 2016
I would also suggest Bitbucket. On the first place it's free, allows private repositories and the learning curve is quite smooth. I have been using it for couple of years now and so far only the positive experience. So, check that out and good luck.

Amazing Iceman

macrumors 603
Nov 8, 2008
Florida, U.S.A.
I got my Git Repository setup and working properly inside iCloud Drive.

I did experience some nasty problems, but I was able to solve them all by taking the DerivedData folder out of the Project's and into it's default location (I have no idea how it got to be inside the Project's folder in the first place).

Now Committing changes have no errors, and now Apple approves my updates for Testflight distribution within a few minutes of submitting them.

Amazing Iceman

macrumors 603
Nov 8, 2008
Florida, U.S.A.
Just wanted to report that the using Git in iCloud started to give me problems. Apparently iCloud tries to sync the file all the time, generating traffic and also high CPU utilization for the cloudd process (I believe it's the process that syncs iCloud).
That just started to happen recently, with the latest macOS Sierra 10.12.2 update.


macrumors newbie
Nov 22, 2014
Thanks for the replies everyone, I'll check out Bitbucket and see how it does for me.

How's Bitbucket? I am in the same boat. I created an app which is on Github right now and is public, but I was thinking to clean it up a bit and then release it in app store and I need a private repo for that.

Amazing Iceman

macrumors 603
Nov 8, 2008
Florida, U.S.A.
How's Bitbucket? I am in the same boat. I created an app which is on Github right now and is public, but I was thinking to clean it up a bit and then release it in app store and I need a private repo for that.
I stopped using iCloud as a Git Repository because I thought the slow editing issue was cause by it.
Now I'm using BitBucket and so far it has been great, easily integrated with xCode.
If you are already familiar with GitHub, then BitBucket will be no problem to you, and your projects will be private.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
How's Bitbucket? I am in the same boat. I created an app which is on Github right now and is public, but I was thinking to clean it up a bit and then release it in app store and I need a private repo for that.

I never ended up trying it, instead I just had Xcode make a Git Repository on my Mac and saved the project in iCloud for backup.

Phil A.

Moderator emeritus
Apr 2, 2006
Shropshire, UK
I've used BitBucket in the past but am currently running a private GitLab server on a synology 1815+ NAS (backed up using Crashplan PROe)
I prefer the GitLab interface to BitBucket and I like having everything under my control which is why I setup a private sever, however, if you want the zero hassle route you can also sign up at for a free hosted account with unlimited private repos
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