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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 3, 2018
So, I've been reading a bunch of posts here, on Reddit and some other forums, and while many people experience the glare, there are some that claim that they don't have this issue.

So I'm wondering if there is some misunderstanding here. There are no pictures of the glare that I know of. After a few unsuccessful attempts to take an actual photo of it, this is the closest representation of what I see that I could come up with (in Photoshop).

To reproduce, open Safari, go to and scroll down so the entire page shows white background, just like on the screenshot.

Then activate Moon environment, go to the Control Center and change it to dark, so it’s mostly black everywhere you look.

Then position the Safari window in the center of your view, but make it smaller, so it fills some space in the middle, but doesn’t fill your entire view.

You should see some haze/reflections on the bottom and/or sides and top. I also see some in the center of the image, manifesting as slight haze.


Another good example is just opening an app drawer - the glare will manifest as a haze right in the middle of the screen and will move around as you turn your head.



macrumors 6502a
Oct 12, 2012
This issue was apparent to me when I played a movie in Cinema Mode or a dark immersive environment. It was the eventual main reason I returned it. The Apple Store employee didn't know what I was talking about and suggested it was light entering the headset from the outside. I explained that I'm pretty positive it's not from the outside, and he was cool and understanding but he seemed to have not heard this complaint before and gamely tried to replicate it on his demo unit. He couldn't do cinema mode on the demo unit so we didn't get a good test, he just dimmed the pass-through behind the opening "hello" and I could kinda see a little glare so I just returned it.
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Sep 13, 2014
Yes that's what I see. Great job making a visual representation of it. My sister told me a couple hours ago it's like looking through her glasses with layer of grease on the lenses but she only notices it at the bottom. I notice it everywhere and it's the most irritating part of the device.


macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2016
I just find the glare to be mostly the largest whitest window or brightest space reflecting. I can see it scroll when I scroll content.

I thought it was lenses fogging up in darker environments, but I noticed it substantially in night time mode environments and in the theater space. It’s very difficult to see, kinda a deal breaker in a way.


macrumors 6502
Jun 30, 2007
Yep the first pic is what i see in dark environments like cinema mode. Deal breaker.


macrumors regular
Dec 23, 2021
It looks like watching something through glasses that have some light smudges on them. Would you rather watch a giant imax screen in your living room through glasses with light smudges, or a normal TV (with all the light pollution you get in a normal room) without looking through slightly smudged glasses? If the former, get a Vision Pro; if the latter, don’t get a Vision Pro.


Jun 30, 2007
Noticed it today for the first time sometimes at edges. Slightly annoying.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 7, 2007
Washington DC
I noticed it for the first time last night watching the NBA All Star three point competition. Would I prefer it not be there? Definitely. But having the TV be the size of my living room wall more than made up for it for me.

I think different people have different tolerances for that sort of thing. I wouldn’t fault anyone for returning because of glare if it ruined their watching experience.


macrumors G5
Jun 12, 2012
Great job and trying to show photos. The worse part is the glare isn't persistent, it flashes depending on the content on screen. That is what makes it so distracting.
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