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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 11, 2008
Just wanted to let people know about a new app currently being reviewed by Apple called glimpse. It combines time lapse video with GPS data to give you a new way of taking pictures on your iPhone. There are sample glimpses, screenshots, and a video of the app at the glimpse website.

Any feedback is appreciated. If there's interest we can let you know when the app is actually released. We're hoping it's released next week but you never really know. We'll post some promo codes as well so people can try it out.
Thanks for the interest!

The initial release will be $1.99. As we start adding more and more features we may eventually increase the price.

There will also be a free version released after the full version. It will have ads and limit you to taking a glimpse of 75 photos and only store 5 glimpses on your phone.

The $1.99 version has no limits. You should be able to take glimpses until you run out of space.
Glad to see some people are interested in glimpse. I like it, but I'm a little biased!

I'll post some promos when it's available.
The bad news is glimpse was rejected today by Apple because it displayed an empty map if you don't have a network connection.

The only good thing that comes out of this is that we had several features ready to go for a second version so those will now be available in the first release.

Hopefully it will only take a week.
You guys have great timing on these posts. I came home today and found an email from Apple informing me that Glimpse is now ready for sale! app store link

The other good news is that I'm really close to having the next release finished. The next release will allow you to upload your glimpses directly to our website from your iPhone. Once uploaded you can then share the glimpse from your iPhone through email and also post a story to your facebook account with a link to your glimpse. We're much further along on this than I hoped for. Hopefully it will be shipped to Apple in a week or so. Below is a link to the glimpse page generated by uploading glimpses directly to our site:

It's a very simple website and we hope to keep it that way.

I posted some promo codes in the codes forum: glimpse codes

Hope you enjoy and send me some feedback if you have any!
You might be able to do something like that. I haven't looked into though. My initial thought would be that you would still set things up like I currently have it, but at each time interval only save a picture if what's in the frame differs from the previous frame. Not really sure though.

I'll add it as a feature to look into.
Looks great! I just can't get the export feature to work on Windows right now (the output folder is empty). How are they exported and at what size/resolution?

That's weird. Are the files saying they're uploading? It uploads all the images as PNGs and then one JSON file.

The images are currently 400x300 after the resizing. Anything larger than that really hurts performance of the player and the saving of the images in general. I am constantly working to save bigger images faster and hopefully I can figure something out to get larger images saved. If I want to force this for the 3gs only I could do larger images. But I want 3g owners to be able to use this as well.
Yup, Glimpse thinks its uploaded them and the folder is created on the PC but its empty. I did get an error pop up in glimpse but only sometimes - something like error 500? It popped up behind the done box! I'll need to double check when I get home.

As for the size issue - I'm all for a 3GS mode! Couldn't you have a setting for 3GS mode or could the app detect what device its running on?
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