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Will apple watch 7 have blood glucosis sensor?

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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 9, 2006
Hi everyone!
I try to follow apple watch, and look forward to the possible blood oxygen level measuring that much possible will come to the next watch. I Even more look forward to the «not so likely in the next watch»; the blood glucosis optical sensor. A lot of people have diabetes, and should follow their blood sugar level to keep it right to avoid long (and short) term consequenses for their health. Its still so, that people with diabetes have to use a thin needle in a finger, get some blood out, and measure the level of sugar.
When it comes to research on this field, i am not updatet, but as far as i can see (after a few Google searches), its not that far fetch. As written in «apple watch round-up» here in MacRumors, Apple have a team og engineers and others working on it.

I wonder; shouldnt this teqnology be possible and maybe close?
Maybe is apple in possition to aquire a tech-/biotech-company that works in this field. Does anyone know about such companies? Why should apple have a big team working on this, if the teqnology allready exists?
I’m just curious.

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