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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 28, 2008
Is there any way to make the calendar on the iPhone sync with your google calendar?

Up until now I just used Google mobile interface to access the calendar.
But you now have a couple of ways of doing this via iCal:
  • The old way by syncing a calendar subscription between iCal and Google Calendat
  • The new way using Google's new CALDAV url to directly link an iCal calendar to Google.
Do a search on Google for detailed instructions.
You then sync your iPhone in the normal way to get the updated calendar entries

Up until now I just used Google mobile interface to access the calendar.
But you now have a couple of ways of doing this via iCal:
  • The old way by syncing a calendar subscription between iCal and Google Calendat
  • The new way using Google's new CALDAV url to directly link an iCal calendar to Google.
Do a search on Google for detailed instructions.
You then sync your iPhone in the normal way to get the updated calendar entries


Good advice

But was he after an over-the-air solution? Thats what I need

Oh, I see - An over the air solution would be good for me too I guess!

I'll take a look at nuevasync as well, thanks.

Kevlong is currently not accepting new members until they fix something in their code... is currently not accepting new members until they fix something in their code...
Well, I managed to register and although it took a few hours to kick off, it now sync's both my contacts and calendar - Brilliant:)

Got mine working too, very nice. But I wonder what this company's business model is? I'm reluctant to start relying on their service when they could shut down at any moment. Nothing on thie website indicates how they make money...
Got mine working too, very nice. But I wonder what this company's business model is? I'm reluctant to start relying on their service when they could shut down at any moment. Nothing on thie website indicates how they make money...

Right now they are in beta. There was a post on MR from the developer(s) that said they will eventually start charging for the service. Although how much it will be, they didn't say.

I think they're giving it for free until everything is working smoothly and they implement push mail too.
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