I own a Windows 7 PC and a iPhone. I am currently using gmail.
I would like to migrate to iCloud from gmail. I really want all my old gmail emails in iCloud and my gmail contacts in iCloud. Is the only way to do this by syncing both with Outlook 2010 (which I have) and transfering them over using outlook 2010? No migrate option? Doesn't even look like iCloud mail supports importing csv files for address book import ...?
I would have thought Apple would have made this alot easier to migrate from gmail, hotmail, yahoo etc. When you sign up for gmail or yahoo mail they use some sort of email migration service to transfer your data over.
Any thoughts?
I would like to migrate to iCloud from gmail. I really want all my old gmail emails in iCloud and my gmail contacts in iCloud. Is the only way to do this by syncing both with Outlook 2010 (which I have) and transfering them over using outlook 2010? No migrate option? Doesn't even look like iCloud mail supports importing csv files for address book import ...?
I would have thought Apple would have made this alot easier to migrate from gmail, hotmail, yahoo etc. When you sign up for gmail or yahoo mail they use some sort of email migration service to transfer your data over.
Any thoughts?