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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 7, 2010
Hi there, I just installed gnuplot this morning and everything went well. However, when I try to use it again at night.. It is GONE.. :eek:
I don't know why.. and when I tried to type " sudo port install gnuplot"
it says "sudo: port: command not found" . :(
Maybe /opt/local/bin isn't making it into your path for some reason?

echo $PATH

Here's mine


You can see /opt/local/bin is the third one. You could also try

ls /opt/local/bin

to see if port is in there. And finally you could also run it with the full path

/opt/local/bin/port install gnuplot
After typing "echo $PATH"
this is the thing I got -> "/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin "

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