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Original poster
Nov 18, 2009

GoCalendar (Google Calendar™ support) - Manage your time faster

Life consists of small things. But to remember each of them is difficult. Do not miss more than one item, a business meeting, important date, friends’ and relatives’ birthdays. To make easy the most complicated schedule will help you GoCalendar. This application will be your personal assistant in all matters. Google has created for everything Calendar, we also made sure that he would become more convenient and accessible for everyone.

See what reviewers are saying about GoCalendar:

this is just what google needed, it can view all my events and so far no errors. The iPhone calendar is good, but I like to use my old google calendar. I think app worth the price.

"One more great app from Light Room
Finally I can use my google calendar on my iphone!!! It's very simple. Whis this app, all that i need, it's open GoCal, and that's all! I momentary can see my day events, or add new. It's really great app, that has very beautiful UI and stably working"

"Loving it so far!!! I've tried several other calendars with many, many issues. Haven't found one on GoCal. So worth the price!"

GoCalendar features:
To work with Google Calendar previously you needed to open a browser, go to the Google site, enter your username and password in the box and only then work with your schedule. We have saved you from this neces- sity. Now you need only 1 time to do this work, and then simply run the application by selecting a calendar and the program automatically will open it.

App helps you in this important thing. With very easy user interface you have a simple way to view or manage your events. All of them are displayed on the day or month view.

With GoCalendar you can use as many google calendars as you need. You can do it in calendars view. For more comfort each calendar have unique color, and event of this calendar have same color.

All events for all your calendars viewed in one view. So you momentary can see what you must do in selected day. Using unique color you can easy understand to which calendar belongs this event.

In event manager you can set event: name, start time, end time, location, description and participants. Also in this view you must choose to which calendar belongs this event.

Gray & Gold – 2 nice app colors that look great together. User interface of this app is as simple as it possible. Even baby can use this app.

===Notes from developers===

For all the guys that are expecting problems with push/else please write to so we can help you.

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===Notes from developers===

Life is beautiful and simple, and our application will help you make it even easier.



Google Calendar easy as 1, 2

Life consists of small things. But to remember each of them is difficult. Do not miss more than one item, a business meeting, important date, friends' and relatives' birthdays. To make easy the most complicated schedule will help you GoCalendar. This application will be your personal assistant in all matters. Google has created for everything Calendar, we also made sure that he would become more convenient and accessible for everyone.

Manage your time faster


1 Access to the calendar in two clicks
2 Plan your work schedule for the day, week or a month.
3 Enter your calendar without using a password
4 Multiple accounts and switching between them with one click.

Save your time

To work with Google Calendar previously you needed to open a browser, go to the Google site, enter your username and password in the box and only then work with your schedule. We have saved you from this necessity. Now you need only 1 time to do this work, and then simply run the application by selecting a calendar and the program automatically will open it.

Life is beautiful and simple, and our application will help you make it even easier.

I might be interested in purchasing this app... IF there was more information. Only 1 partial screenshot? No webpage? No support page? No clear feature/benefits summary?
Are there any advantages to Google Sync? I have it since it was launched and it syncs perfectly and flawless

  1. Mac OS X Calendar app,
  2. iPhone Calendar app
  3. and web-based Google Calendar.
No matter where you change or add something it will show up wireless in the other two calendars within seconds. Tons of additional features like text and/or mail alerts (free SMS here in Europe), group sharing etc.

Set up once—just a matter of minutes—and forget it technically spoken. Google updates automatically. High data security. You can even lose Mac, Timemachine and iPhone simultaneously—your data will be stored for... ever..? In the cloud. Available for contacts and mail as well (not tested). Okay, it's Google... as well as your app. I use it for my unsuspicious dates ;) and with fake name of course. As said before: Works pretty well. I can't imagine what I should need more.

iPhone Calendar app opens with one "click" (tap). And it's free btw.
Updated to 1.01.

Fixed the contacts bug.
Fixed every bug and improved speed.

This is the same so-called concept as his other "app" GoDocs.. Charge a couple of bucks for what's basically a web-based interface into Google Mobile. A complete rip off.

In addition, this developer engages in blatant shill reviews on App Store - just read his top few reviews. I already reported him once, and he continues doing it.

Stay away.
Version 1.2.0 released

What's new:

-Reworked Ui
-Reworked Month and Day views
-New Calendar fetch system
-Fixed tons of bugs

Coming soon:

-Calendar Sync with app, Reminders.

Your ratings and reviews help us do our app better and release update faster.

Follow us on twitter:

GoCalendar (Google Calendar™ support) - Manage your time faster

Will be glad to try.
Please provide promo code.
Version 1.2.1 realized

What's New:
-Improved UI
-Improved speed, specially for day view
-Improved stableness
-Fixed the colors issue
-Fixed the non-loading events bug
-Fixed the non-loading calendars bug
-Fixed the bug with alert showing up each time after start
-Fixed minot UI bugs

Coming with next update:
Multiple calendars on one view, Map Locations support, Reminders and many more….

Your 5-star ratings, review and feedback help us do updates faster and apps better.

Thank you guys for everything, LightRoom team.
Ha! I like the thank you. :) There hasn't been ONE positive comment here and the dev just keeps posting updates.
Version 1.3.0


What's new
-Fixed all crashing problems
-Multiple calendars on one view

-Improved speed of fetching and processing events

-Improve month view scrolling speed

Coming soon:

Reminders support, Sync, Invitations and many more...

Your 5-star ratings and reviews help us to make updates faster and apps better.

Thank you for all your feedback...


Version released: 1.4.0


-Improved UI
-Added participants support
-Faster fetching and processing of calendars and events
-Reworked event details
-Overall improved speed and minor bugs fixing

Version 1.5.0 released

What's new:

-Fixed the problem of non-showing events for some of users
-Significantly improved speed of event fetching
-Separated the owned and view-only calendars
-Fixed the problem of non-showing participant with just email

Coming soon:

iPad version.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRICE REDUCED BY 50% ONLY FOR 1 DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HURRY UP TO BUY IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
v1.6.0 released:

-The fastest Day and Month Views ever in AppStore
-Fixed the issue with allday events and recategorized them to the top
-Reworked event details
-Added more participants support
-Added detail appearance for title, description, location
-Modified calendar colors

-Removed bug of non-fetching calendars on start
-Removed the bug of non-showing month events in the bottom list
-Removed the bug of non-edited and replaced event

Coming soon: Push alerts, offline working and much, much more....
For all the guys that are expecting problems please write to our so we can help you.

Follow lightroomUA on Twitter to get our latest news and updates!

Visit for more details.
v1.6.1 In review:

-The current day saving
-Preparation for remainders with Push and else
-Preparation for offline mode and synchronization

Coming soon: Push alerts, offline working and much, much more....
GoCal v1.7.0 released

-Fixed the wrong dates for allday events
-Fixed the adding of participants
-Added reminders
-Added "Today" button to Day View
-Resolved crashes when fetching events
-Minor bugfixing
GoCal v.1.8.0 released

What's new

-Finally fixed the allday events dates
-Added switch to show that the event is allday
-The calendar colors are now equal to ones in google
-Full multitasking support for iOS4
-Minor performance improvements and bugfixing

Coming soong:
Full synchronization, week and list views and much much more...

Your 5-star ratings and reviews as much as feedback on our support help us make apps better and release updates faster.

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Visit our new updated website:


What's new
New features:
-Reworked app from start
-New type of viewing the events - List view
-Saving the old list of calendars
-All types of reminders are now supported
-New slick user interface with loadings and app icons
-Supported all types of devices
-Fully supported Retina Display
-Support for multitasking

Improvements and fixes:
-Fixed the all day events
-Fixed the crashing when adding the event with more than 5 reminders
-Fixed the memory leaks and graphics

Thank you everyone who was waiting for this update.
We promise to release the updates faster, and improve the software more.

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