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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 28, 2003
My company has an engineering center in the eastern city of Chennai (formerly Madras). I'll be spending 3 weeks there starting later this month. It will be my first trip to India.

I am told the weather this time of year is truly miserable, even worse than Singapore. Temperatures reach 110 degrees with 100% humidity. This scares me from taking my D200 even though it has a durable weather-sealed body. I'm more concerned about my lenses. I was thinking of taking my new 18-200 VR-II since I have very limited space for carry-ons, and this single lens covers the entire gamut.

If anyone has used their cameras and lenses in similar climates, did you face any problems other than the mist that forms the moment you step out from the cool low-humidity air of your hotel room?

Did you get condensation on the mirror or sensor? (Particularly if you try to change lenses outdoors.)

Did you find yourself a target for thieves or pickpockets by brandishing an expensive camera?

Any finally, if you have photographed in India, how was your experience?


macrumors 603
Feb 6, 2006
I doubt that you will have a problem with thieves though, as anywhere, flaunting is a bad idea.

As for the condensation, I have never had a problem.

As for the weather, yes, it is bloody hot in June. July is not as bad, at least where I go up in the hills north of Bangalore.


macrumors 68020
Jun 29, 2004
As long as you aren't ducking in and out of 60 degree air-conditioned rooms or cars, you should be alright. If your camera stays at a steady high temperature, it won't condense. As soon as the glass elements get colder, they'll condense when exposed to the heat and humidity. I learned this the hard way in 110 degree+ temperatures in 80% humidity in Oman.


macrumors 603
Feb 6, 2006
I would also avoid freezing yourself in heavy air conditioning. It will just make your time outside of the hotel that much more difficult.


macrumors member
Oct 25, 2004
Chennai , India
So where'll you be stayin .. i'm in madras right now an the temp's about 36-40 c during the day.
dont worry too much about thieves .. just dont leave your cam lying about . It's going to be safe as long as you have it with you.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 28, 2003
netdog said:
I doubt that you will have a problem with thieves though, as anywhere, flaunting is a bad idea.

As for the condensation, I have never had a problem.

As for the weather, yes, it is bloody hot in June. July is not as bad, at least where I go up in the hills north of Bangalore.
I understand that the weather in Bangalore is much better, but no such luck on this trip. I've spent a fair amount of time in Singapore and it seems like the same rules are going to apply.
pmackin said:
So where'll you be stayin .. i'm in madras right now an the temp's about 36-40 c during the day.
dont worry too much about thieves .. just dont leave your cam lying about . It's going to be safe as long as you have it with you.
I'll be staying at the Taj Coromandel (tentatively). How's the humidity? Are you acclimated? And more importantly, have you had any opportunities to visit and photograph places of interest around Chennai?


macrumors member
Oct 25, 2004
Chennai , India
I live in madras .. so i no dont usually visit the places of intrest the humidity is extremely high . about 90% during the afternoon hours . prob just a little worse than singapore.
the mahabalipuram shore temple is worth a look for photographers but try an make it during the week ,as weekends are a little packed .
I'm sure the people at the taj will help you out. if you need to know anything more about the place jus ask.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 28, 2003
pmackin, thanks.

My India-based engineering team has graciously offered their services as tourguides. :) Anyway, I like to take pictures of busy streets, local markets, street performers, cityscapes, landscapes, places of interest, social and sports gatherings (e.g. wedding processions, soccer/cricket games, etc.), and other examples of life reminiscent of "A Day in the Life Of" series, albeit weekends only.

I know, a lot to ask, but I will try.
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