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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 5, 2006
Great White North
...unless you can convice me otherwise to order the i7 instead, you have 15 minutes (leaving after 5pm EST).

Note: Yellowing and Flickering aside...I decided to take the chance since my local Apple Store has gotten new shipment.

I have pretty much decided to get the i5 after studying my usage situation:

Final Cut Express editing the most

My work is not extremely time sensitive (can live with encoding a 1 1/2 video overnight), but would like to take advantage of the quads for faster encode (if Final Cut Express even supports it).

Any last minute thoughts guys and gals? Please? :)
...unless you can convice me otherwise to order the i7 instead, you have 15 minutes (leaving after 5pm EST).

Note: Yellowing and Flickering aside...I decided to take the chance since my local Apple Store has gotten new shipment.

I have pretty much decided to get the i5 after studying my usage situation:

Final Cut Express editing the most

My work is not extremely time sensitive (can live with encoding a 1 1/2 video overnight), but would like to take advantage of the quads for faster encode (if Final Cut Express even supports it).

Any last minute thoughts guys and gals? :)

Get the i7 get the 17, you will live longer! hahahahahha:D
I have had mine for 24 hours now. I love it, we may be doing different things on our iMacs. But I know for my basic needs this is more then enough and I Love every inch of it. If it's available there for you, try it. If you like it, get it.

you can get an i7 online with the education discount for 80 dollars more than an i5 in the store. to me it is a no brainer at the price. the only difference it will take you 3-4 weeks to get which the screens should be fixed by then.
Too late possibly, but the i5 is fine.

Hehehe...yes you're right! I already forked for the i5. I appreciate all responses though, thanks guys!

And here's my update:

Took it home and wala, no yellowing!!!...but, there are about 5 dead pixels on the isight camera. My stomach felt it was falling to the ground. Since I have no idea on it's batch number, I tried to investigate online using the serail number. Long and behold, it was a week 50.

So I decided to take it back for a replacement. Apple employees were good to me. The manager even decided to congratulate me on my purchase, shook my hand and apologized for the scenerio. Anyway, they gave me another one but it was also a week 50. Should have decided to stop there but silly me, I was willing to give it another shot.

Got home, fired it up, and boom! (it didn't explode, hehe). Slight yellowing on the lower right corner and some backlight bleed. I thought, oh no...went to check the isight....even more dead pixels!!!! Plus, a white, small chunk of glass or something like that (the size of a sesame seed) stuck right in the lcd itself in between the top left and bottom left corner. Not visible on dark colours, but definitely there on white. Man, Apple really screwed up on QC on this one, I thought.

Now I'm stuck! I will be bringing this back tonight definitely, but I am not decided if I should try another one with a different manufacturing week (that is, if they still have any in stock). I can go return it to another store and take my chances there.

I just hate carrying that's so heavy!!!

Man, I should have not went with my instincts. I feel you guys and gals who've been through this.
Sorry to hear of your hassles. I hope it is third time lucky for you. I'd ask if you can open the next one in the store - it's a reasonable request given that 2 have had such issues. Good luck!!!
Sorry to hear of your hassles. I hope it is third time lucky for you. I'd ask if you can open the next one in the store - it's a reasonable request given that 2 have had such issues. Good luck!!!

Thanks Kez28. :)

I actually just got home with a replacement i5. It took me a little longer in store this time around because they have lot's of customers (I should have thought that it's a Friday!).

Anyways, the manager asked an employee to check it out and I pointed all of the problems which the employee gladly recognized. I even found another speck inside the LCD that I didn't find before (the store lights sure can be useful sometimes).

They swaped it with a new one but sadly, it's from the same week 50 batch and I was told they didn't have any others in the store. Took a deep breath and I agreed to take it and leave (didn't want to check it in store because it was becoming crazy with customers.)

I'm now staring at the box hoping and praying my third time is a charm. Although I'm not keeping my hopes high. This will be it folks, after this, I'm gonna ask for a refund.

An update very soon. ;)
Hehehe...yes you're right! I already forked for the i5. I appreciate all responses though, thanks guys!

And here's my update:

Took it home and wala, no yellowing!!!...but, there are about 5 dead pixels on the isight camera. My stomach felt it was falling to the ground. Since I have no idea on it's batch number, I tried to investigate online using the serail number. Long and behold, it was a week 50.

So I decided to take it back for a replacement. Apple employees were good to me. The manager even decided to congratulate me on my purchase, shook my hand and apologized for the scenerio. Anyway, they gave me another one but it was also a week 50. Should have decided to stop there but silly me, I was willing to give it another shot.

Got home, fired it up, and boom! (it didn't explode, hehe). Slight yellowing on the lower right corner and some backlight bleed. I thought, oh no...went to check the isight....even more dead pixels!!!! Plus, a white, small chunk of glass or something like that (the size of a sesame seed) stuck right in the lcd itself in between the top left and bottom left corner. Not visible on dark colours, but definitely there on white. Man, Apple really screwed up on QC on this one, I thought.

Now I'm stuck! I will be bringing this back tonight definitely, but I am not decided if I should try another one with a different manufacturing week (that is, if they still have any in stock). I can go return it to another store and take my chances there.

I just hate carrying that's so heavy!!!

Man, I should have not went with my instincts. I feel you guys and gals who've been through this.

Sorry about that, I know how it feels to be pumped about getting an Apple product then you find an obvious flaw. Might as well do an exchange and make sure everything is on point while you're at the Apple store.
I'm now staring at the box hoping and praying my third time is a charm. Although I'm not keeping my hopes high. This will be it folks, after this, I'm gonna ask for a refund.

An update very soon. ;)

Fingers crossed for you ... hope to see you in here soon reporting a perfect machine.
I just got my new imac 27" i5 online. So far I am really impressed.

How do I tell what week it was made?

I'll check my screen in a bit for the yellowing. So far - looks good to me.

Third Time Was......Not The Charm :(

Whatdoyouknow, after testing the third replacement, it was a perfect non-yellowing screen, the iSight was perfect as well with no dead pixel and what could be wrong this time...

...well, my heart fell when I noticed another one of those white specks embeded on the LCD itself, not just one this time but two. There was also a considerable amount of dust inside the glass. I guess it's just not time for me to have one of them iMacs.

I decided to take it back for a refund this time. Although the manager was pushing me to try another one (God bless her heart), but they only had ones from the same week 50 manufacturing batch. So I politely declined and went back home with my money.

That's it for now folks. And yes, you are still gambling when buying an i5 iMac these days. I would wait until they get fixed and maybe get some good news from people awaiting their replacements shipped to them in the coming weeks.

All I can say is, please do not buy week 50 batches. I tried three of them, and they all seemed they were put together by someone in a hurry.

Thanks again. :)
Gosh you guys are quick to ask for replacement. If mine had a few dead pixels or problem I would call apple and tell them, mention I'm too busy to return it until this summer. Apple care is 3 years after all, you can still enjoy the current iMac until they fix those issues.

I'll see when I receive it, ordered only 10 days ago.
Whatdoyouknow, after testing the third replacement, it was a perfect non-yellowing screen, the iSight was perfect as well with no dead pixel and what could be wrong this time...

...well, my heart fell when I noticed another one of those white specks embeded on the LCD itself, not just one this time but two. There was also a considerable amount of dust inside the glass. I guess it's just not time for me to have one of them iMacs.

I decided to take it back for a refund this time. Although the manager was pushing me to try another one (God bless her heart), but they only had ones from the same week 50 manufacturing batch. So I politely declined and went back home with my money.

That's it for now folks. And yes, you are still gambling when buying an i5 iMac these days. I would wait until they get fixed and maybe get some good news from people awaiting their replacements shipped to them in the coming weeks.

All I can say is, please do not buy week 50 batches. I tried three of them, and they all seemed they were put together by someone in a hurry.

Thanks again. :)

Specks don't get "embedded in the LCD." Any dust behind the glass Apple could have blown out in the back room. You could have walked away with a perfect iMac within 10 minutes. You're ALWAYS going to get a bit of dust behind the glass of these iMacs. I haven't seen a single iMac or LED Cinema Display without a spec or two of dust. On my i7, I have a few specs that I can only see when I'm up close, so they don't bother me at all. Nothing is perfect, so, you know - you get used to it. :)
You should have kept the first one, i could have lived with a couple of dead pixels over a yellow screen.
You should have kept the first one, i could have lived with a couple of dead pixels over a yellow screen.

I see alot of the comments... you wouldn't buy a brand new car with a scratch on the windshield would you? Sure it'll work just fine, but KNOWING that scratch is there, your eye is always going to go right for it and it'll be a distraction.

I was going to get an i5 or i7 myself, but I'm not about to shell out over 2 grand and not have it be perfect!

I see alot of the comments... you wouldn't buy a brand new car with a scratch on the windshield would you? Sure it'll work just fine, but KNOWING that scratch is there, your eye is always going to go right for it and it'll be a distraction.

I was going to get an i5 or i7 myself, but I'm not about to shell out over 2 grand and not have it be perfect!


I hear ya. Admidst all of the numerous complaints about these iMacs, I have already lowered my expectations before going to the Apple Store. But dead pixels on the iSight is somewhat a new thing for me since all of my Macs have perfect iSights. I just couldn't convince myself to keep the first one. I felt there was a ding on my brand new car.

I should have not taken replacements from the same batch...that was stupid of me.
I see alot of the comments... you wouldn't buy a brand new car with a scratch on the windshield would you? Sure it'll work just fine, but KNOWING that scratch is there, your eye is always going to go right for it and it'll be a distraction. I was going to get an i5 or i7 myself, but I'm not about to shell out over 2 grand and not have it be perfect! --rob

I'm the same way. Thus, I'm currently waiting for Rev 2 or Rev 3 of the iMac 27" build - like many others who are "waiting this storm out". Hopefully, future iMac revisons will have NO dents (sort of speaking).

Talk about dents in brand new things, my wife & I bought a brand new vehicle last spring. Did inspection at night (under street lights), didn't see any flaws, then drove it home. Next morning, my wife & I seen the stone chip in the front windshield. Called the dealer and they said - nope "you signed and drove off the lot - chip must have happended on the way home - your fault". Today, we have a brand new car with a stone chip in the front windshield. And you are right, our eyes "focus on that flaw" every time we use our new vehicle". If one pays for perfection, then expect nothing less then perfection. And always do inspection in proper lighting as well. Lesson learned the hard way.... Especially for very expensive items...

I'm the same way. Thus, I'm currently waiting for Rev 2 or Rev 3 of the iMac 27" build - like many others who are "waiting this storm out". Hopefully, future iMac revisons will have NO dents (sort of speaking).

Talk about dents in brand new things, my wife & I bought a brand new vehicle last spring. Did inspection at night (under street lights), didn't see any flaws, then drove it home. Next morning, my wife & I seen the stone chip in the front windshield. Called the dealer and they said - nope "you signed and drove off the lot - chip must have happended on the way home - your fault". Today, we have a brand new car with a stone chip in the front windshield. And you are right, our eyes "focus on that flaw" every time we use our new vehicle". If one pays for perfection, then expect nothing less then perfection. And always do inspection in proper lighting as well. Lesson learned the hard way.... Especially for very expensive items...


Oh man, that sucks. I hate dents!!! I actually park away from other people's cars if I can just to avoid pings and dents. But they are unavoidable no matter what, unfortunately.
I see alot of the comments... you wouldn't buy a brand new car with a scratch on the windshield would you? Sure it'll work just fine, but KNOWING that scratch is there, your eye is always going to go right for it and it'll be a distraction.

I was going to get an i5 or i7 myself, but I'm not about to shell out over 2 grand and not have it be perfect!


I agree with having a perfect iMac.

But with 98% of iMacs having a yellow screen, why take a chance and return a non-yellow one only to get a yellow one that might have other things wrong with it? The first one he had only had a couple of dead pixels, now his other one has yellowing and more dead pixels.

Why return a car that has a small scratch, to get another one that has a scratch and a dent?

When i get my iMac Wednesday if i cant see it then its fine im not going to run test on it.
Why return a car that has a small scratch, to get another one that has a scratch and a dent?

Because inside the box should be a car with neither a small scratch or a dent. :) Unfortunately when you leave the lot, you have no idea what's inside the box.

OP, wait until your store gets a new batch in, should have better "luck" then.
But with 98% of iMacs having a yellow screen, why take a chance and return a non-yellow one only to get a yellow one that might have other things wrong with it?

I really wish people would refrain from making statements like this. They won't though. Some folks will continue to pull percentages out of their butt until the cows come home so I guess I should just learn to deal with it.

My week 47 i7 has no yellowing, no dust specks, no dead pixels on the iSight and it was the very first machine I took delivery of.

If there were dust specks under my glass panel it would annoy me highly but I doubt I'd seek refund over something so easily rectified.

I went through 3 mid-2007 24" iMacs before getting a keeper on my last machine, all for screen problems.

The i7 has been a pure joy thus far.
I really wish people would refrain from making statements like this. They won't though. Some folks will continue to pull percentages out of their butt until the cows come home so I guess I should just learn to deal with it.

My week 47 i7 has no yellowing, no dust specks, no dead pixels on the iSight and it was the very first machine I took delivery of.

If there were dust specks under my glass panel it would annoy me highly but I doubt I'd seek refund over something so easily rectified.

I went through 3 mid-2007 24" iMacs before getting a keeper on my last machine, all for screen problems.

The i7 has been a pure joy thus far.

Sorry, I don't have an iMac yet - but, how can you have dead pixels on the iSight?
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