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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 17, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Im going to Israel next week for 10 days!!! I'm so excited. I've never left the east coast, let alone the country, so this is a big thing for me.

I have a D80, the 18-135 kit lens, 50mm f/1.8 prime, and SB-800 flash. That's all I was planning on bringing equipment wise. Each lens has a UV filter on it. Also, 2 4GB cards, 1 1GB card, charger, extra batteries. What else do you recommend I bring? I want to make sure that all my pictures turn out amazing (I know, that’s a tall request…).

Also, I will not have a way to dump my pictures during my trip (no computer / internet access). Should I shoot a combo of RAW and JPEG or just go all JPEG? (I know the RAWs will allow me to do some post production on those “1 in a million shots”.)

Thanks for the help! Ill be sure to post photos when I return.


macrumors 68040
Jan 15, 2003
51st State of America
Happy snaps don't need to be shot in RAW. If it is professional work then I would recommend you shoot in RAW.

If you do shoot RAW I would suggest getting another memory card as well, you also need a camera bag...

When you're finished shooting on each night, don't keep the memory cards inside the cameras, keep them on you, the gear can be replaced, images can't.


macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 17, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
camera bag is obvious...currently I have a Tamrac Velocity 7x, but I am looking at an Adventure 9 / 10 or Aero 80. I want to have a camera bag / backpack in one bag.

I will also be snuggling with my camera each night. It will be little spoon. I think that would be enough security. :rolleyes:


macrumors 68020
Sep 13, 2003
Raw is Nice to shoot --- but do loose a significant amount of capacity ... especially if you shoot RAW and Jpeg.

do it's a question of HOW many shots you want to take.

essentially a trade off between the amount of photos you want to take versus your ability to have more post processing power.

have you considered picking up a stand alone CD writers or a device like a pocket mate if they still make them.


macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 17, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
i havent considered standalone cd writers. im trying to pack as much and as little as possible. only the essentials. normally when i travel, i have a laptop, so i would be able to dump my pics if neccessary. But for this trip, they said not to bring a laptop (its a group trip).

what about other types of filters?


macrumors 68040
Jan 15, 2003
51st State of America
camera bag is obvious...currently I have a Tamrac Velocity 7x, but I am looking at an Adventure 9 / 10 or Aero 80. I want to have a camera bag / backpack in one bag.

I will also be snuggling with my camera each night. It will be little spoon. I think that would be enough security. :rolleyes:

Yeah the camera bag was a poor joke. :D Also you said you never left the country, how do I know how experienced you are when it comes to traveling? Got to state the basics so leaving out your memory cards is a better idea than sleeping with the camera.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
Your gear setup seems about ideal. However why not bring the charger? You should not need the extra battery as I'm pretty sure they have electricity in Israel.

I'd shoot raw format any time you think the lighting is "tricky", that is any time there is a large dynamic range. Other then that .jpg does fine. If you do decide to shoot raw get more memory cards, maybe a couple GB per day of shooting.

I like to transport my equipment in Pelican cases. These cases can stand abuse. I've had my stuff tossed (literally) into a stake bed truck with a truckload ot random luggage, tools and equipment stack on top. I've had a pelican case take a ride down a white water rapid after a canoe flipped over. Airline travel is easy compared to that. Some people try and hand carry their camera but you can only hand carry so much and even then you find some place don't allow hand carried bags and it _must_ go in the bus' luggage compartment or the back of the truck or whatever. Many times I'll pack the gear in a bag and then place the bag in a case.


macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 17, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
However why not bring the charger? You should not need the extra battery as I'm pretty sure they have electricity in Israel.

I can't tell if you are serious or joking...but yes, i will be bringing the charger. and the extra batteries are for the flash. it takes AA's.


macrumors member
Mar 11, 2008
I'm assuming you're going for Birthright... I just got back June 2nd... you're going to have a great time! Good luck :)


macrumors 68000
Nov 16, 2006
New York City
You seem pretty set. DON'T shoot RAW+jpeg. You're just throwing away space. Shoot just jpeg. Look, I only shoot RAW and even I know to recommend JPG in a situation like this. Enjoy your trip! I feel like the 50mm may be on most of the time due to weight.


macrumors regular
Feb 11, 2008
well....tell me about yourself?? are you limber enough to fit in the overhead compartment? or how about I take enough pictures to make you feel like you were there? :D

I mean, I'm willing to scrunch and contort my body to do so.

Haifa is pretty beautiful.

Have fun. It's a lovely experience, no matter what reason is behind it.


macrumors regular
Sep 18, 2006
Cheltenham, UK
Have a great time, I went a couple of years ago and have to say it is probably the most amazing country I have ever been to.

I wouldn't compromise and shoot jpeg instead of RAW if I were you. Just buy more memory - it isn't expensive. When I went it was more expensive than it is now so I just burned my shots to a CD in one of the many shops that will do it for you there for next to nothing. You can probably get them to burn to DVD these days. Anyway, a 4gb card is so cheap it would be stupid not to get more if you think you are going to run out. You can always buy it there if and when you need it.

If you are interested my photos from Israel are on my Smugmug (link in sig), taken with a P&S before I really got into photography but maybe still worth a look. Looking forward to seeing your results!


macrumors 6502a
Jan 4, 2008
Stuttgart, Germany
I'll give you another tip, based on a trip to Israel I made last year (crossed over from Egypt).

When you get to customs, don't be surprised if they want you to empty your camera out of the bag, and send it through the x-ray machine on its own; they x-rayed my whole bag, then made me take the body out and send that back through the scanner (with a lens attached).

(Some airports do this for laptops, also!)

Just thought it worth a mention, so you can be ready to do this if needed!


macrumors newbie
Aug 14, 2008
Trip To Israel

After 9 trips to Israel, the best recommendation I can make is to have everything as light and portable as possible. You will be doing a great deal of walking. You will be carrying more than your camera. This time of year the climate can vary from very hot and muggy to hot and dry to cool at night in Jerusalem.

THomas E


macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 17, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
plug adapters...i knew i forgot to ask about that. can i get those at radio shack / home depot? how many do you reccomend i bring? obviously i have the camera charger, ipod charger, razor, and maybe a cell phone. should 1 or 2 be good? whats a good price for them too?


macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
Extension cord

plug adapters...i knew i forgot to ask about that. can i get those at radio shack / home depot? how many do you reccomend i bring? obviously i have the camera charger, ipod charger, razor, and maybe a cell phone. should 1 or 2 be good? whats a good price for them too?

The prong adapters are easy to find. Any hardware store or Radio Shack should carry them. However, my recommendation is to bring a short extension cord that turns one outlet into three (important: don't get a plug strip or anything with a light or switch included, since those won't work on 220v). This way, you only need one prong adapter, and you won't be up a creek if your hotel room has only a single outlet (which is not uncommon in Israel).

Also, just a word of caution: the security at Israeli airports and border crossings is insane. I've spent a lot of time in that country and have had some ridiculous experiences getting in and out. One time the security people at Ben Gurion completely dismantled my friend's SLR camera, rendering it useless.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 24, 2006
I went to Israel this time last year. It was a great trip. I shot RAW the entire trip, 10 days. I brought my D200 with just a 17-55 and 85 1.4, but the 85 1.4 never went on the camera. Take lots of shots and enjoy!


macrumors newbie
Jul 18, 2008

Do you know where are you going to visit? I mean what places?

don't forget to send some photos , Do you have GPS with you?

I recommend The Golan there are some GREAT VIEWS to shoot.
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