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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 1, 2005
Just thought it might be a good idea to ask here for some ideas of interesting places to shoot in the city, besides the obvious ones.

Any ideas? I'll be taking my 5D and a speedlight (with trigger) and possibly my Polaroid pinhole camera...

Oh, and I'll be at the Marriot on Times Square, so something within walking distance would rock.
Ha. This is probably a stupid thread, but I'm bored at work, so let's have it!

Martin C

macrumors 6502a
Nov 5, 2006
New York City
Taking the subway is going to be your best bet for getting around the city quickly--also a cool place to take pictures.

- You can get a lot of cool shots of the Brooklyn Bridge and Lower Manhattan from the bridge.

- Grand Central Terminal is a nice photo opportunity--although it is usually busy with commuters

- Walk around a few neighborhoods and you're bound to find some spontaneous street shots--Chinatown, Greenwich Village, etc.

- Rockefeller Center: Going to the 'Top of the Rock' is a bit on the pricey side, but there are some amazing skyline shots to be had when you go at night (great views of the city and the Empire State Building).

- Empire State Building: Not much to be said here other than it's the tallest structure in the city.

- Times Square: Most of the shots taken here are a bit cliche, but if you get on one of the islands in the middle of the street you can do some nice long exposures. Generally an NYPD officer will prohibit you from using a tripod though.

- Coney Island: The subway ride is a little on the long side, but there's an amusement park (Astroland), the original Nathan's location, a beach, and all kinds of cool people, like this guy I saw about year ago. He had a live snake about 10-12 feet long and two parrots.

- Liberty City State Park is a ferry ride away for photos of the Statue of Liberty. Living in NYC my entire life, I still have not been inside the Statue of Liberty, so I'm not entirely clear on the situation after 9/11. I think that you can still go up to Lady Liberty's head, but not up her arm to the torch. Don't quote me on that though.

Most of the locations I've named are not too off the beaten path, but like I've said walk around bit and you will find yourself clicking away.

Will you be here for the 4th of July? We generally have some really cool fireworks in the harbor.

Some 'touristy' stores you might want to hit are B&H SuperStore (Bet. 33rd and 34th Streets @ 9th Ave), 5th Avenue Apple Store (59th Street @ 5th Ave).

If you have any other questions about transportation or anything, I'd be happy to answer.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 1, 2005
Thanks! No, I won't be there for the 4th. :(
I'm for sure hitting up the 5th Avenue Apple Store and the B&H store. Also gotta get to the Nintendo store!


macrumors 6502
Jul 29, 2004
B&H is like the Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory for photographers. Just keep in mind they close at 1pm on Friday and are closed on Saturday(but open Sunday.)

Also, the 5th ave Apple store is at the southeast end of Central Park, so you may as well wander over there if you are not in a hurry. I work a block away from the Apple store and occasionally wander through the park during lunch. Honestly, there's not much going on there but it's worth wandering around and you will surely find some shots. It's amazing how quiet it can seem a few hundred yards in.

I would say definitely head downtown. To me, the village seems much younger and more diverse. Although a lot has changed, Washington Sq Park, NYU, Astor place always had something going on. I've seen some really great street performers in Washington Sq.

Good luck!


macrumors regular
Oct 23, 2004
Went to NYC last month.

All the things Martin C mentioned are great.

My friends thought Coney Island was serious kitsch, but I got some nice pics over there.


The Cloisters Museum, at the far north of manhattan was also very nice. Cloisters ticket will also get you inside the Metropolitian museum. No flash inside most musea, so take a low light lens with you if you like to take indoor pics.

A walk over the Brooklyn Bridge is also great.

For the Statue of Lib you really have to get up early. after 10 o'clock there was a line with 100s of people.

You can't get up the statue's top, but you can get on the statue 1st floor or stone socket beneath the actual statue.
I thought the Ellis island musuem was far more interesting.


The apple store wasn't that special imho, just a shop with a lot of sales people and people checking their mail.

B&H was impressive, but the sales people want to sell you stuff not really keen on giving you advice. So decide what to buy before you go. They have a great return policy. Bought a Tokina 12-24 wide angle, but decided to give it back after 4 days, no problem at all.

You really need a wide angle lens for NYC !!!!!


Part of Washington Sq park was closed down for renovations, so we couldn't get to the arch.

Places we wanted to go to:

Historic Richmond Town on Staten Island
Corona Park up in Queens which has the Unisphere from the '39 world's fair

Teh Don Ditty

macrumors G4
Jan 15, 2007
I'd like to throw out there Yankee Stadium. It's being torn down at the end of the season and the new one is directly being constructed on across the street.

It's just a thought.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 1, 2005
Thanks guys!

Is it worth it to have two cameras with me, on my shoulder at the same time? (one 70-200, one 17-40?)

If not, I was probably going to carry my pack around with me, but use mainly my 5D+17-40..

Martin C

macrumors 6502a
Nov 5, 2006
New York City
Thanks guys!

Is it worth it to have two cameras with me, on my shoulder at the same time? (one 70-200, one 17-40?)

If not, I was probably going to carry my pack around with me, but use mainly my 5D+17-40..
Nah, I'd stick with one--less to worry about.
I've seen some really great street performers in Washington Sq.
I saw these guys in Washington Square Park a while back--they were pretty entertaining. Especially with this crazy guy posing.


Eric Lewis

macrumors 68020
Feb 4, 2007
I thought the area near Soho....where STOMP theater is located...was really cool for pictures...

Also Times Square

China Town


macrumors 6502a
Feb 17, 2008
The Empire State Building is great... but I'll take the view from the Top of the Rock (Rockefeller) any day. It neatly dissects Manhattan into two and you get a great view of both Central Park and the Empire State building (among countless other buildings). If I remember correctly, the Empire State building is gated, while the Rock has glass, which is much better for getting the angles and views that you want.


macrumors newbie
May 15, 2008
okay here it from the new yoawkah

first of all
its illegal to take pictures of subways in subway stations
i know
i took a picture of a subway and then the police came to me and asked me few questions and investigated me.
apparently its illegal to take pictures in subway or in the stations
so i'd advise you not too.
and time square is wayy overrated (for me)

go to st.marks place. there are always good pictures to take
AND union square
i highly recommend union square,
cool people, mostly photographers, artists, and young people, like me.

central park is great also

Eric Lewis

macrumors 68020
Feb 4, 2007
okay here it from the new yoawkah

first of all
its illegal to take pictures of subways in subway stations
i know
i took a picture of a subway and then the police came to me and asked me few questions and investigated me.
apparently its illegal to take pictures in subway or in the stations
so i'd advise you not too.
and time square is wayy overrated (for me)

go to st.marks place. there are always good pictures to take
AND union square
i highly recommend union square,
cool people, mostly photographers, artists, and young people, like me.

central park is great also

thats not possible?

i asked a NYPD person (in uniform working) to take a picture of me and my friend in front of a subway and we never got arrested? and the police didnt say anything?


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 1, 2005
thats not possible?

i asked a NYPD person (in uniform working) to take a picture of me and my friend in front of a subway and we never got arrested? and the police didnt say anything?

None of your statements were questions? You don't have to use question marks for any of them?

Haha? Haha. :p

Anyway, yeah as far as I know, there was a lot of debate and some legislation that didn't get passed about this. I think it's still safe to shoot subways. Well, legal, anyway. Cops might still try to stop me.
But subways are so overdone anyway, I will probably just get a few for fun since I'll be there, but unless something interesting pops up, I'm not going to stick around. :)

I'm gonna bring my pinhole polaroid for some night shots. :O


macrumors newbie
May 9, 2008
I'd like to second Washington Sq. Park. Great for watching crack heads in the morning too (seriously, they're really funny).


macrumors 6502
Jul 29, 2004
okay here it from the new yoawkah

first of all
its illegal to take pictures of subways in subway stations
i know
i took a picture of a subway and then the police came to me and asked me few questions and investigated me.
apparently its illegal to take pictures in subway or in the stations
so i'd advise you not too.

Perhaps you should spend some time learning the law, especially if you live in NYC. It is not illegal to photograph in subway stations or on subway trains. It is also well within your rights to refuse a bag search (just don't plan on entering that station.. take a cab.) That's not to say you won't get questioned by police or hassled by ignorant security types while taking photographs, just that you are doing nothing illegal. Be careful with tripods, however, as they are usually considered 'professional equipment' and will likely cause you to be hassled. Same for odd looking, black boxes placed somewhere inconspicuous for extended periods of time, i.e. pinhole cameras.
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