type of design?
I'll post what I listed in
this thread again. Not necessarily all
design books, but thoroughly invaluable in my opinion though.
The New Typography: A Handbook for Modern Designers - by Jan Tschichold
All That Is Solid Melts into Air: Experience of Modernity - Marshall Berman
Lateral Thinking: A Textbook of Creativity - Edward de Bono
Syntactic Structures - Noam Chomsky
The End of Art Theory (Communications & Culture) - Victor Burgin
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus - Ludwig Wittgenstein
Heraclitus: Translation and Analysis - Dennis Sweet
The Design of Everyday Things - Donald A. Norman
Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things - Donald A. Norman
Universal Principles of Design: 100 Ways to Enhance Usability, Influence Perception, Increase Appeal, Make Better Design Decisions, and Teach Through Design - Jill Butler, Kritina Holden, Will Lidwell
S, M, L, XL - Rem Koolhaas, Bruce Mau
Ambition/Fear - Zuzana Licko and Rudy VanderLans (Emigre 11)
That was then, and this is now: but what is next? - Lorraine Wild (Emigre 39)
The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less - Barry Schwartz
Sagmeister: Made You Look - Peter Hall
Make It Bigger - Paula Scher
Tibor Kalman, Perverse Optimist - Peter Hall
You can also seldom go wrong with anything with Swiss and Design in the title.
I have to say, it's been quite a while since I bought a
design book, I'm struggling to think of any recent books that have truly contributed anything to the subject that either hasn't already been addressed sometime previous, or that cannot be found, in a much more interactive and engaging way on the web. Unless you're one of those perverse paper & ink fetishists of course.
Have to say, it's been very much to the detriment of the
Design & Graphics forum here, that the likes of
BlueVelvet etc no longer seem to post here on the subject. Many years of fascinating discussion, debate with those, and many others too.