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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 5, 2003
Hi all -
I am wondering if anyone can suggest what external flash is best for a Nikon D50. I will be helping a friend shoot a wedding and she is new to digital photography (just got the Nikon a few days ago). She is a supplementary photographer, so she won't be doing any formal photography, more just documenting the event. Oh and the event will be indoors.

Your advice is greatly appreciated.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 5, 2003
oh and I neglected to mention, the wedding is today. We have to be there in about 5 hours.


macrumors 68030
May 11, 2004
fig tree
we're talking a single, on-camera flash?
objectively, the best is a nikon speedlight sb800, but your friend'd probably be just fine with an sb600 (90% of the features, ~60% of the price). she might also want to get a diffuser and some colored gels, but those probably aren't too important for a wedding.
edit: and shedloads of batteries.
edit2: there are loads of other flashes that would work, but in order to get full ttl metering you need either the 600 or the 800 (and i'm assuming your friend wants ttl metering)
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