Lately, I've felt like I've been missing the "desktop experience" since buying my iBook G4 as my main computer. Don't get me wrong, it's a great machine and it serves 100% of my needs. But I'm tired of using it as both a desktop and a notebook, it's a huge pain. So, I've been looking into some used desktop Macs.
At first I looked at G4 Mac mini's, but they seem to be a little too expensive. I was looking for something with a small form factor, because I have very little space.
Then I realized my old iMac G3 has been sitting around, doing nothing.
I could max out the RAM, put in a new hard drive and I think I would have a good jukebox/light internet machine.
But, I'm weary of doing this because I also have a clamshell iBook G3. It has a faster processor and more RAM, and Panther runs pretty horribly on it. (300 MHz, 160 MB RAM, compared to my iMac's 233 MHz and 32 MB of RAM)
I was only planning on putting Jaguar on it, which should run great on 256 MB of RAM, but I think the limiting factor here is the 233 MHz processor. Is it going to be enough to run it well enough so that I run an internet browser, iChat, and iTunes at the same time?
At first I looked at G4 Mac mini's, but they seem to be a little too expensive. I was looking for something with a small form factor, because I have very little space.
Then I realized my old iMac G3 has been sitting around, doing nothing.
I could max out the RAM, put in a new hard drive and I think I would have a good jukebox/light internet machine.
But, I'm weary of doing this because I also have a clamshell iBook G3. It has a faster processor and more RAM, and Panther runs pretty horribly on it. (300 MHz, 160 MB RAM, compared to my iMac's 233 MHz and 32 MB of RAM)
I was only planning on putting Jaguar on it, which should run great on 256 MB of RAM, but I think the limiting factor here is the 233 MHz processor. Is it going to be enough to run it well enough so that I run an internet browser, iChat, and iTunes at the same time?