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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 5, 2003
Warrington UK
hi im a new mac switcher and wondering why theres no mic and cam chat rooms for mac yahoo aint got vioce chat on for mac and cam chat aint work msn dont have voice or cam.

anyone know any?

or know what i need to do?


I think its more to do with the lazyness of the programmers for yahoo and msn than anything else. Apparently apple are working on implementing this in the new version of ichat so who knows...
Re: Good mic and cam chat rooms....

Originally posted by Riko19
hi im a new mac switcher and wondering why theres no mic and cam chat rooms for mac yahoo aint got vioce chat on for mac and cam chat aint work msn dont have voice or cam.

anyone know any?

or know what i need to do?



Don't mean to flame, but man, that is the single worst senrence I've ever seen as far as grammar goes. I thought I had bad grammar! ;)
Re: Re: Good mic and cam chat rooms....

Originally posted by jethroted
Don't mean to flame, but man, that is the single worst senrence I've ever seen as far as grammar goes. I thought I had bad grammar! ;)

"that is the single worst senrence I've ever seen"

senrence? sorry, butt**** grammer...chckurspellin'

ivisit is the one for me. Free, easy to set up, video chat to loads of people all on screen at once, join up with PC users no problem.

I used to have to use a friends PC to talk to my family on MSN - BS connections , only 2 at a time etc - and now its a blast in our own room with me on my PB.
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