Hi Guys,
Been having trouble with ISP,
Have promised new package, 100 b/sec
What is the best "safe" app for checking speed
Hi there,Have your speeds improved yet, MiniD3?
I'm living in Queensland, slightly south of Brisbane, with Optus cable.
I just did a test and got 100/2.
I can't complain at the download speeds but the upload speeds are shocking.
Hi there,
not really, since starting the thread, have been having a huge argument with Telstra, pretty much destroyed my initial contract, after the cooling off period, and since the 14th March, still not resolved, in fact, gone from zero charges to over $600!, we have spent about 20 hours on the phone already trying to fix the problem, even brought the wife to tears,
at the moment, all bad, will try again after Easter so far Optus is looking better!