dhracer88 said:
Exactly what he said.
Forget anyone who has posted a site that goes on about the technology, all that rubbish about slight lens distortion, aliasing in certain conditions with certain lenses etc. Constant bitching over Nikon vs. Canon and all that.
This guy tells it as it is. Whether you have a disposable 24 exposure snappy camera or a £6000 body, it's the photos that count. A great photo, DOES NOT mean a great camera.
Go, out, experiment, enjoy, take as many shots as you can - the best thing about digital is you can fiddle with no expense, and with DSLR it's a whole new level!
Don't get wrapped up in all the technophilia that seems to shroud the subject - just get out there and do it!
If it comes then you want a new lens you are far more likely to know what you really want or need. (P.S. I tend to go for non-3rd party lenses)
please go to
www.kenrockwell.com. I spent hours reading though that after I got my D70, and it really helped me and altered my perspective.