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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 3, 2009
Hi guys,

I'm currently using Wunderlist at the moment for lists, and Wunderkit for work purposes and they're great, but unfortunately are lacking a few features to turn either one of them into a proper organisational tool for me. is where I have all of my tasks etc right now. Some parts of it are great, but the way you cannot re-order lists or set priorities just makes it absolutely useless for me. I also find it a pain to get to the web version so I can't easily check my lists and add to them when I'm at a computer.

So, does anyone please have any recommendations? Preferably with

  • Web version
  • Super simple interface
  • Re-order or prioritise tasks
  • Time specific reminders
  • Repeating reminders

I use Tasks in Gmail (web), along with the GoTasks iPhone app. It does everything you're looking for besides repeating events. But I'm sure there's an app out that does that too.
There's a new app coming called "Clear." There's some info on it in the archives of the main forum (do a search). Looks promising. I keep looking for it, but it's not at the store yet - last I checked. Will only be for the iPhone at first, the devs said.
Take a look at Wunderlist, very nice simple Task Manager. It has a Web option as well as iPhone / Mac and iPad Apps that all sync together. As far as I can tell the only thing that is missing on your wish list, is the ability to create repeating reminders.
Huge thanks all for your replies and suggestions, some of them are really good and things like Remember the Milk and Pocket Informant look really good, but maybe a bit too feature packed for my usage.

Likewise Wunderlist is almost perfect, I can almost get by the lack of repeating tasks, but no timed tasks also is not ideal. To be honest it's still my preference right now and I'm considering moving from to there anyway, not least because I already use it so often, and because Reminders is so crap I rarely even open it, thus it's easy to completely forget things.

Clear looks like it could be incredible, but it's even lighter on features than Wunderlist, and has no web app, hmm....!

(edit) also, GoTasks actually looks great, thank you! I think I dismissed it originally because the Google Tasks web app is quite terrible. Intriguing. Thank you!
Likewise Wunderlist is almost perfect, I can almost get by the lack of repeating tasks, but no timed tasks also is not ideal.

Wunderlist does have timed reminders. Unless you mean you want to say how long a task will take, rather than when it is due.
Sorry I mean setting the due time rather than the due date. So 3:30 on Thursday I have a meeting with whoever.

Although the more I think about it, the more I'm struggling to think of a reason I can't just use Week Calendar for timed reminders. Hmm!
With the iPad / iPhone App, you can set a timed reminder to remind you say 'call John at 3PM', but for some reason they have not implemented it on the desktop App. I usually use the iPad version.
Ah! I never even noticed that, thank you!

Going to test it now :) I set an item to complete today, and whilst it showed up on the icon's badge, it didn't show in the iOS 5 notification center, so I'll check for that now.
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