I've had a chance to look into it some more, and here is some more extensive feedback.
- Your iTunes link to your website is blank, so it goes to 'localhost'!
- You posted codes on the codeshare part of this forum, but as you noticed, people don't post back that they've used a code, nor give you feedback, nor post a review (which you basically asked them NOT to do). You should post the AVAILABILITY of codes, but people have to qualify themselves. Ask for puzzle lovers, or use some way to make sure people who are your target audience will get the code. Have them PM or email you, so you can follow up and ask for feedback, and a review if they liked it.
- Link FROM your website back to the app on iTunes, as I mentioned earlier
- We get such little space to describe/sell/show the app, that you need to maximize the description and screenshots. You have a very short description, that starts out with almost an apology (essentially 1.1 will be better) plus a spelling error (should be "your advantage" not "you advantage")
- Your screenshots, especially the "Instructions" one, isn't selling the app. Show something more dynamic. It doesn't even have to be a physical screenshot... it could be like a loading screen, or an advertisement. Think of a movie poster. Imagine if the Star Trek movie poster was just a list of credits. That's what your third screen is like.
- The title, Blocks. It's generic, which could be okay, but you should add to the title (not for the app executable but for iTunes). Try Blocks - The Multilevel Addictive Action Puzzle Game or something like that. The words will also help with searches.
I could go on, but if you do the items I mentioned now, and earlier this morning, you'll be on your way.