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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 3, 2004
I need a fast and highly featured graphical website making program. I love front page for the PC, but I have not run across a program on the mac that has all the features as FrontPage and is as fast. Currently I hand code my sites with bbedit (and program), but I would like to use a program that allows me to edit the source and use a GUI to create sites. I heard GoLive was slow, and I take it Dreamweaver is too (I use contribute, and it is god awful slow.) Any recommendations would be helpful.


blasto333 said:
(I use contribute, and it is god awful slow.)

Contribute is slow, on a powerbook, iMac, and even a dual 2 ghz G5.

Dreamweaver MX 2004 is really slow out of the box (the first release), but a major update susposedly made it 70% faster.

Dreamweaver is a great program. I use it to create my sites and highly endorse it. It has good hand coding features and many pro features, such as great database coding tools. If you get it, I'd recomend the Studio MX bundle. It integrates with Firworks, the image editor in the bundle and the other programs (Flash, Freehand) are good.
I installed the demo, but now when I launch it, it asks for my password repeatedly and I get my password right each time, but it keeps asking for it. I tried deleting prefs and everything. I can't even launch contribute now.
Can it migrate GoLive sites over?

I've got a ton of stuff created in GoLive, but I must say I'm not entirely pleased with the program. Can Dreamweaver import my GoLive sites easily? Particulary, will it do the live updating (i.e. if I change the name of a page, every link to that page in my site also changes.) I know GoLive sometimes has trouble with this when I import old pages into my site. It appears to me that I need to create the site from the ground up in GoLive for these features to really work.
blasto333 said:
I need a fast and highly featured graphical website making program. I love front page for the PC, but I have not run across a program on the mac that has all the features as FrontPage and is as fast. Currently I hand code my sites with bbedit (and program), but I would like to use a program that allows me to edit the source and use a GUI to create sites. I heard GoLive was slow, and I take it Dreamweaver is too (I use contribute, and it is god awful slow.) Any recommendations would be helpful.



Yeah - I am still looking too - Dreamweaver seems to get slower and slower...

I think maybe bbedit is the best way but i sure miss dreamweavers design view for just sketching out the idea...

Anyone got any ideas?
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