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Original poster
Jul 4, 2015
El Cap is running fast, smooth, stable and all my apps work without issue - Creative Cloud, Office 365. iOS 9 is running great on my iPad Air 2. At the same time Windows 10 is running like a dream in Boot Camp. It's the first time that I have been so happy with operating systems so close to release. There is no reason for me to go back to Yosemite, iOS 8 or Windows 8.1.

Thanks Apple and Microsoft!
El Cap is running fast, smooth, stable and all my apps work without issue - Creative Cloud, Office 365. iOS 9 is running great on my iPad Air 2. At the same time Windows 10 is running like a dream in Boot Camp. It's the first time that I have been so happy with operating systems so close to release. There is no reason for me to go back to Yosemite, iOS 8 or Windows 8.1.

Thanks Apple and Microsoft!

Any issues with the Mail app and exchange accounts? If you have one.
El Cap is running fast, smooth, stable and all my apps work without issue - Creative Cloud, Office 365. iOS 9 is running great on my iPad Air 2. At the same time Windows 10 is running like a dream in Boot Camp. It's the first time that I have been so happy with operating systems so close to release. There is no reason for me to go back to Yosemite, iOS 8 or Windows 8.1.

Thanks Apple and Microsoft!
Well glad you have such happy experience.

I have almost identical use than yours. I also have office 365, creative cloud.
I have had some issues with Microsoft Office. Getting ready to do a reinstall.
Word. Only issues I have are my pinned tab for netflix freezes safari after awhile of not using it ( havent tried it in beta 2 though) and the finder sidebar is stlll messed up. other than that, the computer is noticeably quicker than yosemite, I'm on a late base model '14 MBA.

I find it ridiculous that El Capitan runs near flawlessly in beta yet ios 9 on my iP6 is a pile of sh*t.
mail sometimes crashes for no reason and some minor UI bug. Otherwise, things all work well of me.
The new Disk Utility is a piece of crap though. I know it's not finished, it can't mount ISO, or do reliable back ups and disc burning, and it really needs window resizing because right now with my seven drives the app interface is small and claustrophobic.
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A member encouraged me to use Feedback Assistant for any bugs I encountered. Well, I encountered a serious one and I can replicate it every time.

I noticed that the menu bar and Dock disappears sometimes when running Chrome as the foreground app. I decided to report this as a visual bug. Feedback Assistant asked me the name of the app and version I was using. When I went to the apps folder to check the version a spinning wheel appeared and my system was rendered useless. So I hard rebooted and tried again. And again the system froze if I tried to access the Finder (or anything) while trying to use Feedback Assistant.

So I can run the latest Office and Adobe apps without issue but ironically its Feedback Assistant itself that can crash my system. :mad::confused::eek:
Anyone trying Quickbooks 2014 on the latest Beta release yet?
I was running it on the beta and had a lot of problems with crashing. Later on after a few builds it started working. Now on the general release it seems to be working with the exception of one issue. Email does not work when sending forms. The email gets created and sent but without the invoice attached. The only way I have have found around this is to print the invoices and email them out one by one manually.
Since I started this thread nothing has changed. El Capitan is still a worthwhile upgrade for me, but the benefits of it in applications won't be seen until probably the new year. You can see my other threads for problems in El Cap, but those are not new problems - Apple just hasn't updated some important things like Finder performance in a long time.
The new Disk Utility is a piece of crap though. I know it's not finished, it can't mount ISO, or do reliable back ups and disc burning, and it really needs window resizing because right now with my seven drives the app interface is small and claustrophobic.

Apple has relinquished the more common disk actions like mounting and burning to the Finder. You can still view mounted ISO and DMG disks in Disk Utility though.

I like the new Disk Utility. Straightforward UI, clear separation between actions (toolbar) and diagnostic information (main view). The old Disk Utility was always a bit confusing and unnecessarily complicated for inexperienced users. I had to give some people very detailed instructions. Now you just select a drive, press on an action, set the relevant parameters and done. Before the interface was cluttered with options, like Verify Disk, Repair Disk, Verify Permissions, Repair Permissions, Erase, Secure Erase, Erase Free Space. Now it’s just First Aid and Erase and the options appear in the panel, if required. I also like the restore function: you select the drive you want to restore to, click on Restore and a panel asks you to select the drive you want to store from.

I agree about the lacking window resizing and drag and drop, but it certainly isn’t a piece of crap to me.
I love El Capitan. It's not perfect; I can definitely tell it's a .0 release:
  • Finder crashed and had to be force quit when moving files from my VM
  • When you try to close a background iTunes window, it jumps to the front of the screen and changes the active app as if it was on Windows (iTunes only)
  • iTunes froze 3 times when trying to play a movie while it was downloading.
  • Some slight but unusual stutter from time to time.
  • Hasn't fixed the bug where some PDFs open fuzzy until you resize them

HOWEVER, the overall improvement with system performance is nice, the new system font is much more pleasant than Helvetica Neuve and it fixes the worst bug that made me want to punch my screen:

I have a Dell ultrasharp 2415H that I use when in clamshell mode. Under Yosemite, my monitor would randomly blank out and come back on for unknown reasons. I would have to unplug it, switch display ports, etc to make it work and when I turned the monitor off, the system recognized it as a disconnect and moved all of my windows over to another monitor. I thought it was the display so I almost threw it out because it was so bad. Ever since updating to EC on Wednesday, I have had no blink or flash. No disconnection, nothing. I'm using the same setup, the same cables, and the same ports. Maybe it's dumb luck, or maybe EC fixed some kind of graphic driver? I wasn't expecting a monitor fix, but this has been a great surprise. This bug fix alone is enough to make me endure any little bugs present in the .0 release.

EDIT: the UI tweaks are welcome as well! I'm partially color-blind, and Yosemite's harsh all flat with white buttons on light gray gradients didn't work well for me. Maybe it's just me, but grays seem slightly darker, buttons now have a slight bulge to them, and there appears to be a greater use of drop shadows.
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El Cap is running fast, smooth, stable and all my apps work without issue - Creative Cloud, Office 365. iOS 9 is running great on my iPad Air 2. At the same time Windows 10 is running like a dream in Boot Camp. It's the first time that I have been so happy with operating systems so close to release. There is no reason for me to go back to Yosemite, iOS 8 or Windows 8.1.

Thanks Apple and Microsoft!
Thanks for informing us.
El Cap is running fast, smooth, stable and all my apps work without issue - Creative Cloud, Office 365. iOS 9 is running great on my iPad Air 2. At the same time Windows 10 is running like a dream in Boot Camp. It's the first time that I have been so happy with operating systems so close to release. There is no reason for me to go back to Yosemite, iOS 8 or Windows 8.1.

Thanks Apple and Microsoft!

Yosemite is DEAD!
LONG LIVE El Capitan!

That totally untested total dross "Yosemite" nonsense is now off my Mac and all of a sudden it's working properly again.

Long may this continue at Apple. Thank you.

Hmmm...So it WAS specific to Yosemite after all. Told you.
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